Floaties | Josh

In Blog, Josh, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Josh

I am a human floatation device.

At least that is what my six year-old thinks.

Over the Summer we were able to go to our community pool a couple of times each week. Because of social distancing, only a limited number of people were allowed in the pool, by appointment only. Which was AWESOME! It was like having a private pool – which, for those of you with pools at your home is totally normal. But to my family, it was the height of luxury! (Cue Robin Leach)

Kaylee (10) has been swimming strong for years, but her brother Ben really got his confidence in the water this Summer. He went from clinging to a noodle to diving headfirst into the 9 feet deep end to get a swim ring from the bottom of the pool.

Watching that is never an easy thing for a parent. I spent nearly every moment in the pool as an eagle-eyed observer ready to swoop in for a moment of panic. It’s not exactly relaxing. Lifeguards make it look so chill. But it is serious work to monitor children in the water.

I wonder if that is how God is? Seated on His throne, watching His children wrestle with the world around us. It’s been a crazy year. Shall we recap some of the highlights?

Presidential impeachment
Australian wildfires
Tension with Iran
Kobe Bryant died
Iowa Caucus debacle
COVID-19 pandemic
Schools cancelled
Economy tanks
Work from home
George Floyd killed
Riots break out
Murder hornets discovered
Presidential race heating up…

Like watching my kids happily splash in the pool, dive down deep and see how long they can hold their breath – is God sitting on the edge of His throne ready to leap to help at a moment’s notice?

Nope. He’s not worried. He’s confident in where things are going because He KNOWS. He designed it. He sees the perfect culmination of Creation in a way we cannot fathom.

So why can’t I relax into that trust? Why am I on pins and needles about everything that happens in the news? It’s because I lack faith. But I think my faith is growing. And that’s not nothing.