Perseverance | Nancy

In Blog, Nancy by Josh

How do we not grow weary as we tackle life’s challenges? How do we finish our life-race strong?

The spiritual meaning of perseverance is trusting God moment by moment and day by day.

Thank you all!

The spiritual meaning of perseverance is waiting on God and not losing hope. The spiritual meaning of perseverance is staying connected to Jesus and encountering His presence. We don’t have to be the best and win at everything, we have to be obedient, grateful and show up.

“Jesus, Thank you for today. May I exhibit joy, gratitude, and love toward you and those around me. Help me run my race by focusing on you, not those around me.

Give me the courage and stamina to overcome the obstacles and disappointments that come my way. Help me keep my eyes, mind, and heart on you and all you have given to me.


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