RESET | Jan 7

In Reset by Josh

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

I had no idea where I was going or what I was supposed to be doing.

It was one of those seasons where every step felt like wandering in circles. There was no clear direction, no progress, and a lot of questions. I convinced myself that if I just made enough lists, set enough goals, or Googled “what to do with your life” one more time, I’d figure it out. Spoiler alert: I didn’t.

The harder I tried to make sense of things, the more confused and stuck I felt. I started to wonder if God even cared. Why wasn’t He showing me the way? Why did everything feel so unclear?

It wasn’t until I let go of my need to control the outcome that things began to shift. I stopped overthinking and started paying attention to the small steps right in front of me. They weren’t big or dramatic, but they were enough. Over time, I began to see God guiding me one quiet nudge at a time.

What felt like wandering turned out to be preparation. God was leading me all along, even when I couldn’t see it. His timing was perfect, and the path He set for me was better than anything I could have planned.

Trusting God with all your heart doesn’t mean you’ll get a detailed roadmap. It means surrendering your need to have all the answers and choosing to believe that He does. Submitting your plans to Him might feel scary, but He promises to make your path straight. It may not be easy, but it will be purposeful.

So, if you feel stuck today, take heart. God hasn’t forgotten you. He is leading you, even in the waiting. Trust Him with the next step, even if you can’t see the whole journey yet.
— Paul, LifeSongs

Reflective Question:

Where in your life are you trying to control the outcome? How can you trust God with the next step today?


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