Back To School Survival Guide

In Outreach by Josh

What’s my teacher’s name? Where is my locker? Did I pack my lunch?!

Going back to school can be stressful – which is why LifeSongs is compiling the WORLD’S GREATEST LIST of helpful tips to help you on your way.

The LifeSongs Back To School Survival Guide!

Got some nuggets of wisdom you want to pass along? Text your tips to 855-816-8581, Facebook Message us or EMAIL LifeSongs!

We’ll start with this tip: Sign up your school to be the LifeSongs Prayer School of the Day!

  • Start training yourself by gradually getting up earlier each morning until you are ready to go with your Back To School schedule!
  • Kick off the school year with a bang! Toast the new year with your kids with sparkling grape juice and have a special celebration as a family before the new school year begins.
  • Prep your clothes the night before! This will save you time (and tears) in the morning!
  • Time to go through the clothes and pack away the ones that no longer fit to donate – this will also simplify getting ready in the mornings.
  • Set aside perfection for progress. Celebrate areas of improvement instead of expecting perfection. And this goes for ALL of us)
  • Be kind and compassionate to those who are different from you. You might just change their life and build an incredible friendship.
  • Never expect to get that pencil you lent out back. Just count it a blessing and hope they pay it forward
  • Get creative with the questions you ask after school to find out how your kid’s day was.
  • No matter how inspired you are after reading “Bread & Jam for Frances,” DO NOT pack lobster salad sandwiches and hard boiled eggs for lunch. Trust us on this one.
  • Label your folders clearly – and always put your name on the worksheet first thing.
  • It’s difficult to send your child into school to make friends on their own. But remind your child to be friendly – it’s the best way to make new friends. And Mom & Dad, an extra pudding cup in the lunchbox, might help them score a new lunch friend.
  • Remind your child (and yourself) that mistakes happen. Have patience as everyone is adjusting to a new school year.
  • Don’t trade Pokémon cards – you are likely being taken advantage of. (Real life experience speaking here…)
  • When taking a test, don’t give your opinion. Give back what the teacher taught you or what the book said. You are there to pass the test, not particularly agree with everything. (Thanks, Jana!)
  • Remind your kids to be careful crossing the street! Look for crossing guards. Cross the street at the corner, obeying traffic signals and staying in the crosswalk. And never run out into the street or cross between parked cars.
  • Try a club. FCA, Drama, School paper – it looks good on college transcripts and you will make friends.
  • Take notes in lecture classes. Don’t just daydream or listen – writing it all down will make all the difference come test time.
  • Learn to time your visits to your locker – because carrying all your books around all day will destroy your back.
  • You may not be “perfect,” but you are perfectly YOU. (Thanks, Tara!)
  • Taco lunch day is the best…until afternoon classes. Plan your lunches well!
  • Prep that lunchbox the night before! This will save you time (and tears) in the morning!
  • Pack a note in your child’s lunch for encouragement! They’ll need it some days, and it’s a great way to let them know you’re thinking about them.
  • Always wear deodorant. This is not optional.
  • Some simple first week of school activities can help calm nerves and create family traditions, like having dessert for breakfast or making that first day of school photo a silly one with wacky poses.
  • READ THE SYLLABUS! Read the entire syllabus. Mark critical dates on your calendar. Re-read the syllabus. (Thanks, Peggy!)
  • Be friendly – it’s the best way to make friends!
  • Get that education and go on the path God has for you. And do your best in school. (Thanks, Wendy!)

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