Aunt Betty | JoJo

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Can you smell it in the air?? The fresh scent of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, & clove.. (unless your allergies aren’t allowing you to do so!) That’s the combination of spices that you remember coming directly from the pumpkin pie that grazed your Thanksgiving table year after year thanks to Aunt Betty.

Perhaps, you now realize that delicious pie (that put you over the turkey coma-edge) hasn’t been on the Thanksgiving table for quite some time.

What has changed?

Have you moved out of town? Has Aunt Betty?

The holiday season is a time meant to be cherished WITH family. But truth be told, family’s become disconnected for a number of reasons. Maybe you haven’t spent time around the Thanksgiving OR Christmas table because of something that happened 5, 10, or 20+ years ago.

Is it because of a disagreement? Is it because you don’t see eye to eye with Aunt Betty?

Regardless of what has happened, it’s time to put it aside.

Regardless of if Aunt Betty was wrong or right, it’s time to forgive.

It’s time to ask Aunt Betty to come back over for Thanksgiving. (And not just because you miss her pumpkin pie!)

She isn’t perfect and she’ll never be, (neither will you or I) but you know what is perfect: the LOVE of Christ. (1 John 4:18)

Jesus loved those who no one else loved. He sat with those no one else wanted anything to do with. He also shared a table with someone who would deny Him 3 times AND someone who would betray Him, but yet He STILL invited them to the table. (John 13 & Luke 22)


Because of His love.

He saw what no one else did. He saw them the way His Father did… with unconditional, true, genuine, love.

Who needs an invitation to your Thanksgiving table after all these years? (Even if they DON’T come, you can rest in knowing that God IS still good and that He’s working in YOUR heart.)

If they do join you, newsflash, it will NOT take one meal to heal, but it can be the start of a new season.

And that my friend, is something to be thankful for.