Big Things | Nancy

In Blog, Nancy, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Josh

One of my favorite authors is a priest named Henri Nouwen. He’s got some tremendous insights into life.  Here’s what he said one day:

Sometimes we are called to do great acts of kindness or make great sacrifices. But this is seldom normal.
Usually we have the opportunity for many small acts of love and service, and are called to make many
small sacrifices. The significance and power of these cannot be underestimated.

Simple acts of charity can be done by anyone—a child or adult, in any area of life. Just one act, word, can
make a profound difference. Even a testimony that we heard about through LifeSongs, regarding a young
man in drug recovery. His life has spiraled out of control and he came into a rehab program. A good step.
And in recovery circles, small things matter. Each morning he made his bed. No big deal you might
say—but for him it’s a big decision as he never bothered much before. He makes his bed as a commitment
to getting better—to his getting over drug addiction. He listened to LifeSongs, He read his Bible. He does
it on purpose and strengthens his resolve to make his life have purpose too. As he smooths out the sheet
wrinkles, he feels God is helping him sort some personal ego problems as well.

If you read the Bible you’ll see that God likes small things. it’s his specialty to take insignificant
smallness and turn them into amazing strategies. Many of the events started out small—like people we
read in the Bible who felt inadequate and scared. Yet God wanted them to be leaders and take a big step
forward—a boy with a small lunch gave his meal to Jesus who blessed this and fed 5,000. Small things do
matter. Small financial gifts of support have a BIG impact. I have personal experience with how our
family started giving small and God has allowed us over the years to give more than we could have ever

The day of big things is coming. Until then, do not neglect the day of small things.  As long as we are in the day of small things, then, our job is to bear the Spirit’s fruit of faithfulness as we wait for God to bring the big things (Galatians 5:22–23).

Your gifts of financial support help LifeSongs see and share, by faith, all the big things right in front of us.  Thank you for your faithfulness and thank you for believing BIG!