Tauren Wells says his song “Fake It” is “a celebration of the real love of Jesus Christ that sets us free to be everything He has called us to be …
Direction | Vance
Lately, I have been using my GPS a lot, almost to the point where if I don’t use that cool little map in my car I have no clue where …
Faith Like a Child | Jasmine
“Now I lay me down to sleep I pray Thee Lord, my soul to keep If I should die before I wake I pray Thee Lord, my soul to take …
Springing Forward | Julie
like to think of myself as a planner. Since becoming a mother, some of those planner skills have vanished. But in my mind, my life is still organized, despite the …
What’s New | March 7
What are you asking God for? What have you been praying for? Jon Reddick prayed a prayer that became his song, “God, Turn It Around.” His prayer is that this …
Deal With It | Jojo
Do you have a strong willed 7 year old daughter like I do? There was a time, although very short, when my daughter used to depend on me for everything. …
What’s New | February 28
Does your cup “runneth over?” If you’re feeling half-empty, may Andrew Ripp’s song, “Fill My Cup” help to encourage you and give you a refill. He shares, “This song reminds …
Rest | Libby
At what age did your kids give up their naps? (#Askingforafriend) The idea that my son Gus is phasing out of “rest time” is definitely a harder adjustment for me …
What’s New | February 21
In Anne Wilson’s song “Sunday Sermons,” she shares how the preached word has had an impact on her faith and her own life. “God used every Sunday sermon to develop …
Priorities | Nancy
One recent Sunday morning as we were getting ready for church , our teenage son decided to tell us he wasn’t making it, because he didn’t complete an assignment and …