I’m in that trying season of life when everything I say or do embarrasses my son. My sweet boy who would climb into my lap and cuddle me, suddenly hates …
Inquiet | Julie
My son has gone to a French immersion school since kindergarten. I figured out pretty quickly that I needed to supplement my high school French classes from 25 years ago …
Finding Joy | Julie
When I was a kid, I took piano lessons. I wanted so bad to do well. Mostly because my older sister played beautifully. But my fingers were never as graceful …
Moving from Suffering to Hope | Julie
My son Finn recently had a stomach virus. It only lasted a few days, but he was pretty miserable. He was angry and questioning why God allowed it to happen. …
Two Are Better Than One | Julie
I will admit, when I began working at LifeSongs over 20 years ago, I wished things were different. I wished there was an organization that could carry the financial burden …
Weary | Julie
I ended 2020 with surgery on my shoulder. I knew the recovery would be long, but I didn’t realize it would feel so long. And I am weary. Not only …
My Favorite Things | Julie
This month of November is all about Thanksgiving. And while there is much that has not gone well in 2020. There is still so much to be grateful for! In …
The World’s Toughest Race | Julie
My husband and I have been watching The World’s Toughest Race Eco-Challenge on Amazon. It’s described as, “an expedition against the clock in which international teams of adventure athletes race …
Back To School | Julie
Normally in August, I’m picking up the last of the school supplies and realizing just how worn out Finn’s tennis shoes are and then calling my mom to see if …
God is good all the time | Julie
At LifeSongs, you often hear us say “God is good all the time.” There was a time in my life when I had a difficult time saying that. There were …