Counting Our Blessings | Julie

In Blog, Home Page, Julie, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Josh

I grew up in small churches, singing old hymns along to the piano. So many of those lyrics still stay with me today. Lyrics like these:

Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Count your blessings, see what God has done.

If you only hear the chorus of this hymn, it seems like a happy song and it is! But it’s not speaking of easy times. The verses speak of storms, burdens, and conflict. And in those times, it is most important to count our blessings! It helps us remember what God has done in the past, so we are reminded of what He will do in the present and future.

My son is starting high school this year and I have anxiety as he starts a new phase of his life at a new school. But I’m reminding myself to count my blessings. God has led us to each school my son has attended – preschool, elementary school, and middle school. And that reminder is giving me peace that He has led us to this high school.

At LifeSongs, God gives us a similar reassurance. As a radio ministry that is supported by our listeners, we come to you twice a year and ask for your financial support. We call this Share-a-thon, and it can be a bit daunting. But God has provided through listeners, like you, for 45 years. So, we count our blessings, and we remember that He will provide for LifeSongs again!

We count you as a blessing to this ministry! Without financial support from listeners like you, LifeSongs would not exist!

We’ll soon have LifeSongs Fall Share-a-thon. Your monthly gift of $30, $50 or any amount makes this ministry possible. Your single gift of $100, $500 or another amount encourages others to do the same.

If you give BEFORE our Fall Share-a-thon, you will help us with a special $50,000 match!

We appreciate you prayerfully considering supporting LifeSongs.