Your contribution is impacting lives and families across the listening area. It literally keeps LifeSongs on the air, and has allowed us to expand our ministry reach! That support goes toward electricity, equipment, maintenance, towers, transmitters, translators, antennas, phone lines, bandwidth, music licensing, legal fees, salaries and more.
WBSN is governed by the PROVIDENCE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit ministry. No individual owns any stock in the corporation, which is held for charitable purposes. The board of directors serve without compensation and a person with supervisory accounting experience holds one of the board positions.
In addition the PROVIDENCE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION is a member of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary family which oversees our financial affairs, ethics and reporting standards. Organizations which are members of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary family must comply with the following requirements:
- Obtain an annual audit performed by an independent accounting firm, and maintain a functioning audit review committee, appointed by the board, to review this annual audit and report to the board.
- Be governed by an independent, responsible board, a majority of whose members are not employees or relatives. The board must also meet regularly to establish policy and review accomplishments.
- Provide a copy of its current audited financial statements to anyone upon written request.

LifeSongs is a registered trademark of Providence Educational Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization.
In addition, family members agree to comply with the highest standards for fund raising. These include: truthfulness in communications, using funds specifically for the purposes for which they were given and not creating unrealistic donor expectations. Over the years, more than ninety, the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary has provided theological education in New Orleans, LA and maintained the highest standards in ministry and we are proud to be a part of this family.