God Did It | Josh

In Blog, Josh, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Josh

“This is a dream. This can’t be real life!?” my son Ben exclaimed over and over as we walked in half a foot of snow. And it was still coming down in near white-out conditions! This would have been perfectly reasonable if we lived in Ohio or Michigan, or really any state north of the Mason-Dixon Line. It was January. Snow is normal in those places in January.

But we live in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Perhaps your family had a similar experience when that once-in-many-generations snowfall coated Southeast Louisiana. I’ve lived most of my life in New Orleans, and I’ve seen snow here a few times – a few flurries, an inch of snow or maybe a bit of ice on the grass – but this was something completely different and wholly magical! I count it as a gift from God. Our whole world stopped for DAYS as the snow stuck. Schools were canceled, roads were shut down and only essential services could move about.

I hope you got to play in the snow. I know there were inconveniences and dangers too, but what a wonderland to simply play in! We had snowball fights, went for long walks and chatted with neighbors. We built a snowman (and snow-dog), tried our hand at snow-cream (not a fan) and made several batches of hot chocolate. We also had to do an enormous amount of laundry because everything got soaked.

A snow covered NOLA was not in my forecast for 2025. And that has me thinking – what other incredible, unheard of, spectacular things might God have in store for us? Never in my wildest dreams could I have dreamt up our #SneauxDays. I’m far too practical to even hope for something like that … and yet, God did it. What other impractical – SUPERNATURAL things is He going to do?

I can’t wait to find out.