“..you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” Philippians 4:8 (The Message)
Every day we share stories of hope – joy – Love! Enjoy some GOOD NEWS each day with LifeSongs.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Founded back in 2018, The Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage is on a mission to clean up the waterways of their beloved Cape Cod.
Retired psychologist Susan Baur founded the group as a way to create community while conducting environmental care for her home. Plus fresh air and exercise is good for anyone at any age. During the pandemic, the Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage bloomed because it was one of the few ways the friends could spend time together.
Almost 3 dozen women tend a pond together now – with a waiting list of others excited to start new chapters of the do-gooders, helping the local environment and making friends for life. The organization has even been awarded visionary status from the Explorers Club.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
4-year-old twins Jordan and Harper went wide-eyed when they spotted a wallet on the ground outside of Walmart. They were there shopping with their mom for Christmas presents. Harper picked it up and the twins pushed their mom to the manager’s desk to turn it in. They even wrote a note hoping whoever lost the wallet would write them a letter after they got it back. The twins got way more than a letter.
Retired police officer/security guard Lesa Stricklan was the owner of the lost wallet. She retraced her steps to the store and was so relieved to find her wallet (and all the money inside). She put together goodie bags for the sweet twins to say thank you. She even got to meet the family and decided she is Jordan and Harper’s newest grandmother – adopting the family into her circle of loved ones.
Monday, March 24, 2025
Bruno Lobo is an orthopedic doctor and Olympic kite Surfer from Brazil. One day he was out kitesurfing and testing a new camera for his social media followers when he heard cries for help.
Bruno spotted a woman struggling to keep her head above water – she had been swept out too far from land and was starting to drown. The good doctor was able to surf over to her and drape her across his shoulders and board. Then he used his kite to fight the strong current and get them both safely to land.
Once safely to shore the woman was able to cry in relief and thank her hero. Bruno simply says, “God used me as an instrument to save this young woman – all honor and glory to Him.”
Everyday that you hear an uplifting song, a message of hope or a word from God through LifeSongs Radio is because of the generous support of you – the listening family of LifeSongs! You can still make a difference and GIVE HERE!
Today's Good News - Heroes & Helpers
Share your GOOD NEWS stories! Tell us about the Helpers & Heroes in your life - folks that make a difference - so we can share the good news!
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Today YOU are the good news! Or at least, you could be… When you give or make a faith pledge for our Spring Shareathon! GIVE/PLEDGE NOW!
Thank you to the hundreds of individuals and families that are currently supporting LifeSongs. Together we are planting seeds of Hope – and Sharing God’s Love with Southeast Louisiana and the world!
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Today is Praise & Prayer Day on LifeSongs – a special day before Spring Shareathon. All day on the air, on social media and in private, the LifeSongs family will pray for one another – lift each other up – worship together as we praise our King. It’s a revival day on the radio!
We give thanks to God for the opportunity to serve Him through the ministry of LifeSongs. Thank you for making that possible with your financial support – and especially through prayer. This ministry belongs to Jesus. We long for Him to use it for generations to come, but ultimately all we have is TODAY – and today we will be about our Father’s business.
Share your PRAYER NEEDS and also your CELEBRATIONS/PRAISES by calling/texting 855-816-8581 or share via the LifeSongs Prayer Works page!
Monday, March 10, 2025
Trevor Phillips walked by a dumpster along a street in Nashville and noticed it was overflowing with discarded flowers. He mentioned it to a neighbor because he thought it odd. The neighbor suggested gathering the flowers and taking them to a nursing home. And that sparked Flower the People.
Trevor began taking discarded flowers to local nursing homes and the joy on their faces was instant and infectious. Now Trevor manages a whole team of volunteers who deliver bouquets to multiple nursing homes!
Flower the People serves over 40 senior living facilities across three cities. Florists, volunteers, and local businesses have joined the effort, donating time, flowers, and resources to brighten the days of seniors who may not often receive visitors.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Nate is an 18 year old server who works at O’Charley’s. He sees all kinds of people. People on dates – families trying to find something coated in ketchup for their toddler to eat – individuals having comfort food after a long day. While bussing a table vacated by a family, Nate discovered an envelope filled with cash.
Lola had been having a rough day. Work was stressful. But she enjoyed dinner with her daughter and husband … until she got home and realized she was missing a large amount of cash she had been carrying in her purse. In a panic she called the restaurant and was told that everything was ok – Nate had found the money and immediately gave it to his supervisor to try and find the customer who left it behind.
Lola even got to meet Nate and thank him for his integrity. Nate smiled replying, “..thanks to my mom and my dad for teaching me right.”
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Dr. J Mack Slaughter was still in his hospital scrubs while out to breakfast with his wife and three kids. He was laughing and enjoying playing dots with his kids on the kids menu. Nothing dramatic happened – it was just breakfast.
Until the bill came. The family’s $85 check had been paid by a secret admirer. A note was scrawled on the receipt saying “Thank you for being a great Dad. We need more men like you.” It was signed “from a retired Army Medic.”
J couldn’t hold back the sweet tears that sprung up immediately. His job as an ER doctor often leaves him emotionally fragile, witnessing a great deal of loss and pain. But a random act of kindness was the cherry on top of a great breakfast with his family.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Danny Chauvin is a very self-aware 76 year old veteran and widow. After losing his wife, the retired Vietnam veteran from Waveland, MS could have let PTSD and depression conquer him – but instead he chose to serve his community.
Danny posted on Facebook, in his neighborhood Group “If there’s any honey-do jobs that you can’t handle, I’m willing to help.” Turns out nearly everyone in Waveland needed help!
Danny says the post spread like wildfire and he got countless messages. He started on the list right away, hanging porch swings, installing showers and repairing closet doors. Sometimes he has 4 jobs a day – and he does it all for free! He’s lovingly known community wide as the Honey Do Dude – because he refused to be sidelined by sadness and chose to invest in others. In fact, he even found love again – marrying a woman who got a lot more than a fixed door frame!
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 – Happy Mardi Gras!
The future of biodegradable Mardi Gras beads is in bloom! Biology grad-student Alexis Strain is busy at work in her lab at LSU’s Department of Biological Science. The 3D printers are all whirling at work printing colorful beads out of bacteria laced biodegradable plastic – and in the center of each bead is a seed!
The premise is this – beads fall to the ground – the seeds germinate into plants and flowers – the rest of the bead acts as fertilizer. The end game is this: instead of plastic clogging the drainage basin, the city is covered in sweet pea plants and wildflowers!
Monday, March 3, 2025 – Lundi Gras!
At Cadillac Matt’s Barber Shop in Garden City, Idaho – gossip is welcome – but political talk is cancelled! Owner Matt Queen wants his shop to be a place everyone can enjoy a sense of peace and community. He also wants it to be a welcoming place for all US Veterans.
That’s why if you have served this country in the armed forces, your haircut and hot towel shave was free at Cadillac Matt’s for a special day of honor. It’s a way to give back and honor Matt’s grandfather and father who were both veterans.
Matt’s veteran grandfather was a barber for 55 years and inspired Matt because he used to go over to the VA and give free haircuts to all the vets. Now Matt is continuing the tradition.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Ms. Lynn Shockey is an elderly woman from Chicago. She lives in a senior center in Jefferson Park and frequents the local Mariano’s Grocery store. One day as she was checking out, inflation really hit her hard – the bill was $200 and her benefits card couldn’t cover it all. She frantically searched her purse, pulling out what little cash she had left over from Christmas.
It still wasn’t enough. But God had her covered. The gentleman in line behind her stepped up and covered the difference. Lynn was overwhelmed by the kindness and thanked him profusely. Then she took to her NextDoor App to share the story and encourage others to live a life of kindness.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Believe it or not – Girl Scouts is NOT primarily about selling cookies – Girl Scouts is about community and teaching valuable skills. 11 year old Vada Carawan of Virginia Beach was excited to learn CPR, but it was only two weeks later that her new skills saved her father’s life!
11 days after earning her CPR patch, Vada’s dad had a heart attack and collapsed on the kitchen floor. Vada jumped into action starting chest compressions until EMS arrived. Vada literally kept her father’s heart pumping – saving his life.
She was already a daddy’s girl – now that bond is cemented in a new, deep appreciation for life. Vada’s dad Clinton says “I tear up thinking about it every time. It’s amazing.”
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Ted was diagnosed with dyslexia when he was young. He was sent to a special school and hated it so much that by age 15 he had dropped out and went to work in a textile mill. He leaned on friends and family to navigate situations involving reading.
Ted also LOVES motorsports, and even became the mascot at the Bradford Speedway and got to live out his dreams, traveling and working as a speedway mechanic. His friendship with an Australian motorcycle racer led to an invitation to manage the racer and Ted knew he was going to have to finally get down to business with reading. He locked in for special tutoring and experienced his breakthrough at age 58!
The first thing he read was an old copy of Speedway Star magazine that he’d been carrying around for 40 years.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
The kids who started and run The LiTEArary Society Inc. LOVE to read – and want to help all children get access to the joys of reading.
The LiTEArary Society got its start with a passionate West Virginia middle schooler named Rania Zuri. Her favorite thing in the world is to sip tea and talk books. Rania was shocked to find out some kids – mostly young girls – who live in book deserts have never even owned a book.
Since that time, Rania, still a teenager, has gathered other like minded kids to help fundraise and ship books to families in 12 countries across 4 continents. They’ve doated over $1 million worth of books, nearly 100,000 books in the United States alone! Even more impressive, The LiTEArary Society is entirely youth-led; good work being done by kids – for kids!
Monday, February 24, 2025
In the middle of inner city Chicago, hope is blooming.
Vacant lots across the community are being turned into lush flower gardens by Southside Blooms, a non-profit that employs at-risk youth and young adults to grow and arrange flowers. Started by Quilen Blackwell and his wife, Hannah, the non-profit teaches its employees how to farm, manage money and turn the plants they’ve tended into works of art.
One of their finest florists is only 18. Rashod Little’s bouquets have appeared in five-star hotels and the city’s iconic Field Museum, and he’s used his earnings to buy himself a car and an apartment. He also made sure that his two Valentines, his mother and grandmother, received top-notch arrangements for the holiday.
Friday, February 21, 2025
David Fisher might look like your regular, middle-aged suburban dad, but he’s ACTUALLY a rope jumping world record holding superhero…
David is a professional jump roper and author – he has a series of children’s books about a rope jumping superhero called The Rope Warrior. But fiction become reality when David and his son heard calls for help from a frozen over pond behind their house this December. A teenaged neighbor and his dog had fallen through the ice and were in danger of drowning.
David reached for his utility belt, I mean rope jumping bag, grabbed a heavy duty Double Dutch rope and raced to the pond to rescue the neighbor. Everyone (even the dog) were saved. But that’s all in a day’s work for the Rope Warrior.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Jeff Levy is an antique toy dealer by trade – and a treasure hunter by reputation. Armed with metal detectors and powerful magnets, Jeff is hunting and restoring lost treasure with residents in Los Angeles who thought they lost everything in the fires this Winter.
Jeff has been helping people recover lost goods for 30 years – now he’s moving through the rubble of residential LA and bringing happy tears to folks who feared the worse. He’s found and returned gold bars – a retired teacher’s retirement – a diamond engagement ring and countless family heirlooms.
One of the families Jeff helped – the Lins – called the man with the metal detector their very own Angel of Debris.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Teachers are heroes who go above and beyond for their students. For example, Victor Taylor Perry teaches English to Middle Schoolers in New York. Mr. Perry wheeled in a large projection screen, had the kids plop down on the ground with their lunches as he streamed a WWE wrestling match. Cheers and shouts could be heard echoing down the hallways of KIPP AMP Middle School.
It’s become a lunchtime tradition for The Wrestling Club, which is growing more and more popular. After each match the kids break down the story of the match – learning about protagonists, antagonists, plot structure and more; an English lesson hidden in each pro-wrestling film they watch!
It’s like a su-plex of learning dropped onto these young minds. When the wrestling club was formed it had 4 kids in it. Now there are 75 kids excited to do English homework at lunchtime.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
You would never order take-out during a hurricane, right? That’s just dangerous and rude! But during a blizzard in Brownsburg, Indiana somebody had the nerve to order pizza delivery, putting Conner Stephanoff in a dangerous situation. He braved the white out conditions – he even had to walk the last half-mile due to road closures in order to deliver the pizza to a mansion in a ritzy neighborhood – and only got a $2 tip for his trouble!
A local cop, Officer Richard Craig saw Conner trudging through the blizzard to make his delivery and recorded a quick interview with him on his phone. Officer Craig was so impressed with the young man he emptied the cash in his wallet to make up for the bad tip he had just received. Then they posted the whole story on TikTok. When the internet heard about the lousy tip after going above and beyond, folks decided to give Conner a life changing gift.
Around 2,000 folks chipped in to reward the hard worker with a $40,000 tip! The owner of Rock Star Pizza says Conner is well-deserving of the attention and blessing. He would never have made a fuss for doing his job – and now he’s rolling in something better than pizza dough!
Monday, February 17, 2025
Cheryl Gaw has a thing for pugs. She loves the smushed-nosed pooches so much that she’s currently caring for 200 of them! Gaw runs the Pug Rescue Center in South Africa, where she’s nursed more than 2,500 pugs back to health.
Pug-lovers go gah-gah over their bug-eyed expressions, stumpy little legs and steady companionship. But some of their endearing physical features make them prone to health problems. Faced with a hefty vet bill, some pug owners can’t handle their care. So in steps Cheryl, who is charged with feeding, medicating and loving hundreds of pugs at a time.
Opening the rescue came at a cost: She and her husband sold their home —where she was originally corralling abandoned pugs — and lived in a trailer as they built the rescue center. Gaw was even planning on retiring just before she fell into the business of saving dogs – but is loving the twists and turns that life has presented her.
Friday, February 14, 2025 – Happy Valentine’s Day
In 1986, Alena was 17 years old. She wrote a series of letters from her Singapore home to several people overseas—including Chad in Devon, England. She was surprised when Chad wrote her back and they became pen pals.
For seven years mail carriers brought Chad and Alena’s letters back and forth between Singapore and England. The two even started exchanging cassette tapes of each other chatting, with more than 100 tapes being sent between them.
After 7 years of friendship by mail, 23 years old Alena traveled to England to meet Chad, face to face. One look and they realized that their connection was deeper than a mere friendship. The pair ran up their long distance phone bills every month – hundreds of dollars just to hear each other’s voice.
Then in 1994, it was Chad’s turn to visit Alena and to propose! Alena moved to the UK the next year and they tied the knot. Now, almost 40 years later, they’ve raised a family of three kids and are still each other’s best friend!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Ed Berger was walking his dog Tommy along Lake Waban, when Tommy started chasing a bird out onto the frozen lake. The playful pup fell through the ice and couldn’t get back up. Ed found a nearby boat to try and rescue Tommy but ended up in the frozen lake with him.
Thankfully the Wellesley Fire Dept was able to rescue the pair and get them medical help for hypothermia. Ironically, Ed is an EMT who should have known better.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
When James was growing up in Tanzania, he often had to make a choice: Burn expensive oil to continue reading and complete his homework after the sun had set, or go to bed. It was an upsetting trade-off for young James, who loved to read. Not wanting future bookworms to have to make the same choice, James founded Soma Bags, which builds backpacks for children equipped with solar panels that charge a reading light.
The backpacks are made from recycled cement bags and cost less than half a month’s worth of kerosene. Fewer than half of all Tanzanian households have electricity, a number that dips even further in rural communities like Arusha, where James grew up. Last year alone, Soma Bags sold 36,000 backpacks to students and families across Africa, providing an invaluable energy source for when the sun goes down. Now a new generation of kids can know the sleepy joy of staying up late with a good book.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
A cheerful UPS driver was caught on a Ring Doorbell camera doing a hilarious happy dance! Many folks have begun leaving snacks and cold drinks on the front porch for delivery workers – because mail carriers are doing a lot more since the inception of online shopping.
Mail carriers can walk upwards of 20 miles a day delivering packages, so some sugar is bound to help. This particular UPS driver squealed in delight over a honey bun and soda – dancing all the way back to her truck!
Monday, February 10, 2025
Jed Mottley was thrilled to make the Varsity football team at Chaparral High in Scottsdale. Like his teammates, it was a big deal when the letterman jackets arrived – now all the cute girls would know he was on the team. But when Jed and his showed up at the custom jacket shop, they didn’t have enough money to pay – and Jed didn’t get to take his letterman jacket home.
This all happened nearly 30 years ago. Jed has moved on in life, despite that little disappointment back in high school. He moved to LA and is a professional musician now. One day recently he got a text from his brother Josh who still lives back home in Scottsdale. Josh had popped into a thrift store and found his brother’s letterman jacket on the rack!
The custom jacket looked good as new – so Josh bought the letterman jacket and had a good cry with his brother when he gave him the gift he had missed out on decades earlier.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Hannah White was racing from Texas to North Dakota to see her mother, who was in critical condition. Hannah didn’t know how long she’d have to spend with her mom before she passed, but she knew every second counted. She was about to take off from Dallas when the pilot’s voice intoned overhead that their flight was delayed. This delay meant she had no hope of making her connecting flight. She began to despair.
All seemed lost until Delta flight attendant Eva Ortiz worked with the pilot, Captain Keith Napolitano to convince Hannah’s connecting flight to wait for them. They agreed immediately to hold the plane. Even her fellow passengers pitched in to help her get there, offering up seats at the front so she could deplane faster and looking up the fastest route to her next gate.
Thanks to the compassion of strangers Hannah was able to reach home and spend one more day with her mother.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
A family in Utah battled with their insurance company who denied their 9-year-old daughter coverage for a prosthetic arm, claiming it wasn’t “medically necessary.”
The community around the Bateman family rallied and raised the $30,000 needed to fit little Remington with her new arm. There was a lot of love shared. But this story gets even better. A new health insurance company called CrowdHealth heard about Remington’s need and stepped in to cover the entire cost.
The $30,000 raised didn’t go to waste though – the family diverted it to another family denied coverage for their little boy named Taj.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The Super Bowl does a lot of good for the city of New Orleans. Of course there are economic impacts in the billions of dollars – but there are also humanitarian impacts! The NFL program “Kickoff to Rebuild” is sending teams working on many projects around the city, in partnership with Lowes and countless volunteers.
A group of workers from Toronto, Canada are swinging hammers to repair a house on St. Roch. Other groups are working on other homes in disrepair, planting a community garden and fixing up playgrounds! NFL players like Leonard Fournette have joined in the work and played with the kids at the NORD playground too.
Not only are there parades and light shows and music to celebrate the big game – there are families in newly repaired homes thanks to the NFL coming to the Big Easy.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Postpartum Depression is generally believed to be something only new moms wrestle with. When Kalvin Bridgewater’s wife went through it, she was fortunate to find great resources through her doctor and her community to help work through the condition. But her husband was also struggling with similar feelings and didn’t know who to talk to about it.
Kalvin called up some of his buddies, many of whom also have young kids and scheduled a walk in the park to talk about what he was dealing with. His friends backed him up – admitting they also dealt with postpartum struggles. The men decided to keep getting together and thus was born the Daddy Stroller Social Club.
Once a month the fathers and friends meet up at the park with the kids. The dads get support – the kids get fresh air – the moms get some alone time! It’s a triple win! The idea caught fire via social media and now other chapters of the Daddy Stroller Social Club are forming across the country.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Victoria and Jerry are a super kind couple. They’ve made it a practice for years to keep a basket of snacks and bottled water on the front porch for postal workers and package deliveries. But the hot, HOT Summers in Tucson, AZ let them know they could do even more for an often forgotten team of local servants.
Now, when Victoria and Jerry hear the rumble of the garbage truck making its way through their neighborhood, the duo step out on the driveway with water and snacks in tow to personally deliver to the men who pick up the garbage and recycling. They’ve gotten to know Beto, who picks up recycling twice a month and Shawn who grabs the garbage every Thursday.
The couple don’t want any of their community heroes to not hear a big “THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO” so sometimes they even tape signs with words of encouragement onto the garbage bins.
Friday, January 31, 2025
When United Airlines Capt. David Whitson was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, only healthy blood from a donor could save him. His family wasn’t a match, so his caregivers consulted the national bone marrow registry. That’s when Allie Reimold got the call. Her selfless act saved the life of the father and commercial airline pilot.
Years had passed since they last met in person. But just a week before the eighth anniversary of his life-saving transplant, Whitson — who’d just piloted a flight from Dallas to Houston — got a tip: Reimold was also in Houston, about to board a flight due to take off in 40 minutes. David was on the other side of the airport. With the approval of the jet’s captain, he ran across the airport to find her.
Allie had already boarded when she heard an announcement from a familiar voice: It was Captain Whitson, recounting the story of the stranger who saved him for her fellow passengers. (Oh, and if her donation weren’t enough, Reimold is now a cancer prevention researcher.)
If you want to save some lives too – a simple way is to donate blood! Find a convenient time and place to give the gift of life on tbcdonors.org.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Sometimes even Avengers need a tow. Colorado Captain America impersonator Matt Gnojek was on his way to a children’s hospital Christmas parade when his motorcycle broke down. That’s when Douglas County Sheriff’s Deputy Zach Zepeski found himself in the odd position of rescuing an Avenger.
He came across the stranded Cap on patrol. Once he found out where the hero was heading, Deputy Zepeski paid for the bike to be towed and waited with Matt, in full Captain America garb, to get picked up.
Matt Gnojek isn’t just a really good cosplayer – he raises money for families whose children have pediatric cancer through Cap for Kids, which brings costumed heroes to hospitals and refugee centers around the state.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
70-year-old Paul Myers suffered a cardiac arrest while at a McDonald’s, but thanks to the swift actions of Brian Harris, a passerby, he was saved. Harris performed CPR and utilized a defibrillator, successfully restarting Myers’ heart before emergency services arrived. Following his recovery, Myers turned to social media in search of his rescuer to personally express his gratitude.
The two men have since met several times, forming what they describe as a “lifelong friendship.”
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Jennifer Skaggs was born with a rare genetic disorder that made breathing incredibly difficult and painful. In 2019 she received a double-lung transplant that changed her life in more ways than one.
Not only can Jennifer now breath deeply – she met her husband through the transplant donor. The woman who passed away – and passed her lungs on to Jennifer – had a brother named Travis. When she wrote to the family to thank them for the gift of the organ donation, she was invited to meet up with the family. So she traveled hundreds of miles to meet the people who had given her the gift of life.
Jennifer and Travis immediately bonded – first over the gratitude of how his sister saved Jennifer’s life – but ultimately the couple fell in love and now are married!
Monday, January 27, 2025
A secret donor gave over $3.5 million to the Milwaukee Art Museum in order to make admission free for kids. Forever. Kids 12 and under can experience amazing art, free of charge because of the donation. The museum sees approximately 20,000 kids 12 and under visit each year.
This type of generosity reminds me of when Jesus told his disciples to let the children come to Him. Providing for kids -whether it is clothing, food, safety or world class art museums is a beautiful thing!
Friday, January 24, 2025
Andrew and Jennifer Duhe volunteer every weekend at the Chesapeake Animal Services near their Virginia home. They love animals and each other – and are super cute. To celebrate Jennifer’s 40th birthday, Andrew wanted to do something BIG! But instead of jewelry, he was inspired to drop some big money elsewhere…
Andrew paid the adoption fee for all 40 dogs in the kennels where the couple serves. All in all it was over $4400 – making it that much easier for these animals to be adopted into forever homes. This thoughtful gift meant so much more to Jennifer than any jewelry could have.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Tessa is a high school student at Lamar County High in Barnesville, GA. She learned to crochet with her mother, who has, sadly, passed away. Now Tessa honors her mother’s memory by using those crochet skills to help the less fortunate in her community.
Tessa began crocheting special blankets using recycled grocery bags. She taught some of her friends and then a teacher got involved and now there is a small army of teenagers making blankets for the homeless in Lamar County.
Crocheting for A Cause has really taken off – even receiving a $1000 award from a local credit union to help continue the work and make a better future for their community!
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
As Los Angeles grapples with devastating wildfires, community support has surged, with local businesses, nonprofit organizations, and volunteers stepping up to aid those affected.
Amid the aftermath of the Eaton Fire in California, 14-year-old Avery Colvert quickly mobilized her community by setting up a clothing donation center for teenagers who lost their possessions. Together with her stepdad, she launched an online platform called Altadena Girls, which prompted an outpouring of support from the public. Avery’s efforts have created a thriving community center in a warehouse, offering free replacement clothing to the fire victims.
As tens of thousands of acres have been scorched across Los Angeles, the strength of community connections has shone brightly during this dark time. Local businesses and residents have united to assist those impacted, with chef José Andrés providing meals through his nonprofit, World Central Kitchen, to both first responders and those evacuated. From clothing distribution and emergency supply centers to the heroic actions of firefighters and volunteers, Los Angeles exemplifies resilience and solidarity in the face of adversity, proving once again that community spirit can shine through even the thickest smoke.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Mr. Anthony loved his home on St. Anthony in the 7th Ward. But storm after storm wore it down. But now he’s getting a brand new home built in the shadow of the old, thanks to a team of volunteers who showed up to honor and care for the 76 year old Navy veteran.
Rebuilding Together, Home Depot and Habitat for Humanity made this dream come true – with volunteers from as far away as Biloxi coming into town to help out.
The new house is gold-fortified standard – which means it should weather anything the next storm throws at it. Mr. Anthony is excited to kick back in his new home and watch the Super Bowl – especially with the big game happening just a few miles away in the Dome.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Welcome to “LibraryTok,” a community of creators who also happen to be librarians. As budget cuts threaten the familiar spots many hold dear, librarians on the popular video app TikTok are infusing joy back into the library experience.
Take Jen Miller, a school librarian who shares the “behind the scenes” parts of library work to her roughly 450,000 followers. Oh, and there’s no shushing or scolding on LibraryTok, and all are welcome.
“I just want students to love to read, and I want to be a place where they feel welcome when they walk in,” Miller says. “I don’t want them to be afraid of late fees. I don’t want them to be afraid of damaged books. I just want them to come in and feel safe.”
Friday, January 17, 2025
Helping a stranger is a simple, beautiful act of love. Recently a blind man was trying to make his way onto the Tube at Kings Cross in London. He depended on the help of strangers to find the right train and navigate the gate and crowds.
As the man was getting onto his train, he stumbled. Quickly strangers assisted, but his shoe fell off and down onto the tracks – where it was left behind as the commuter train took off.
Without hesitation, a stranger slipped off one of his shoes, and placed it on the foot of the blind man. No names were shared – no videos went viral. But those present were all touched and shared this reminder with the world – be kind.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Fathers and sons bond over many things – a love of baseball like in Field of Dreams – or Star Wars – or classic muscle cars. The list is endless when you have an open heart to share your passions with your son.
Earl bonded with his son Jared over cars. They would change the oil and brake pads together and laugh as they hung out in the garage. Earl often spoke of his classic ’67 Camaro that he gave up when starting their family. From Vintage Muscle to spacious minivan.
Now an adult, Jared spent years finding parts and pieced together a fully restored classic Camaro – and got to present it to his dad for his 65th birthday! Early tackled his son in a bear hug, feeling incredibly loved.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
9-1-1 is for emergencies only. But depending on your situation, math homework can feel like an emergency!
9-1-1 dispatcher Kim Krause took a call from a 10 year old boy who was panicking about a really hard math question and didn’t have anyone at home to help. Kim explained that 9-1-1 was for a different kind of emergency, but still offered to hear the child out.
When the math question went right over Kim’s head – she checked to see if anyone in the sheriff’s office could help. Deputy Sheriff Chase Mason was near the boy’s home and wasn’t dealing with anything more pressing – so he circled over to the house and sat down for some math homework. Deputy Mason has a son about the same age and was familiar with the task.
The Sheriff’s office noted that this is the type of thing they are thrilled to get to do in service to their community – hopefully inspiring the next generation to join law enforcement one day. Especially since they don’t have to do a lot of math.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
An 8-year-old girl named Emerson Bayse, currently waiting for a heart transplant, found joy in an unusual place: the kitchen of Boston Children’s Hospital. Chef Sarah Bryce stepped in to teach her how to make pickles, turning what could be a mundane hospital experience into a memorable culinary adventure.
Imagine the thrill in Emerson’s eyes when she discovered she could turn fresh veggies into delicious snacks right from her own imagination! They even hosted a pickle party to share their creations with fellow patients. Who knew that the road to recovery could involve such tasty teamwork? Pickle lovers, rejoice!
It’s heartwarming to see how food can bring joy and connection, especially in a hospital setting. Emerson’s pickle adventure is just the kind of uplifting news we need!
Monday, January 13, 2025
British born Daniel Kinsella spent most of his young life fighting to live. He was diagnosed with leukemia when he was only 4 years old. Despite years of chemo and radiation and a narrow escape from pneumonia, Daniel’s family did their best to help the boy enjoy his childhood – taking frequent trips to the Isle of Anglesey.
Daniel loved to camp – and even more – loved the sea. Thanks to a family boat he found sailing and paddle boarding to be a nice distraction. He even became a vocal supporter and champion of a local recycling program when he was only 8.
Now at the age of 16, Daniel hopes to wrap up schooling and join the Royal Air Force – but still enjoys taking the boat out. Recently he made the news by successfully piloting his boat through dangerous waters to rescue a family who had been washed out too far from the coast while paddleboarding. Sounds like we’ll hear many heroic tales during the hard-fought life of Daniel Kinsella.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Springtime seems awfully far away, especially with it feeling so cold. Unless you are planning a June wedding – in which case you are RUNNING OUT OF TIME! A couple in central Arkansas decided that rescuing an injured dog was worth slashing their wedding budget.
Dylan McCay caught word of an injured GoldenDoodle that had been abandoned on the side of the road nearby. He ran to the car and was able to get the animal to a pet hospital. He had obviously been hit by a car and needed extensive surgeries. Dylan and his fiancee didn’t even hesitate to slash their wedding budget to peanuts – paying $10,000 to try and save this abandoned animal.
The prognosis was not good. But the gifted surgeons not only saved the dog’s life, but all of its broken limbs. While it was a very expensive wedding gift, once the dog has recovered they will bring him home to help start their family, all together.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Sebastian once sang to Ariel the following truth: “The human world, it’s a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there!”
But one of Ariel’s thingamabobs has been returned to its rightful air breather, thanks to the sharp eyes of a Barbados diver. Back in 1977, while on a family vacation with his family a strong wave ripped Morgan Perego’s class ring off of his finger and down into the abyss.
Flash forward nearly half a century later and Alex Davis caught a glimmer in the sand as he was free diving. He then traced the owner of the McMaster University class of 1965 to now 83-year-old Morgan. The octogenarian got his long lost treasure in the mail just in time for an early 87th birthday gift.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Alyssa has been a 9-1-1 operator for seven years. Every day she faces new challenges as she responds to emotional, mental and physical crises, while coordinating emergency response. Recently she experienced a true first in her career – she talked a couple through delivering their baby!
Thankfully the couple were parenting pros – this was their third child. And the delivering mamma is also an Air Force veteran, trained for stressful situations. They couple had planned to let labor take full effect before heading to the hospital, but things moved a bit faster for baby Zeke.
Well after the birth, EMS arrived. Everyone was healthy and doing great! A couple weeks later the family paid a visit to Alyssa at the 9-1-1 dispatch office so she could meet the little miracle she helped deliver via her headset.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Zoe Plastiras has been battling Lymphoma for two years! This past October she finally got to ring the bell and celebrate being cancer free! But then she turned around and saw her boyfriend on his knee holding a little black box.
Surrounded by 100 of their friends and family, the celebration of beating cancer turned into an instant engagement party! Now Zoe can turn her attention away from exhausting Lymphoma treatments to picking out table linens and flowers and cake!
Monday, January 6, 2025 – Epiphany – Three Kings Day – Enjoy that King Cake!
Louisiana author LaKeyta Samuel Britten didn’t set out to write a children’s book about investing, but when her young daughters showed interest in the stock market, she couldn’t help herself!
Britten’s book is called Kennedi and Kassedi Learn Investing and is available on Amazon and local bookstores. It’s a quick 24-page, easy-to-understand lesson on investing, designed for kids – but honestly, count me in! Now LeKayta is working with her daughters on special presentations based on her work to bring to schools nationwide.
Friday, January 3, 2025
Have you ever noticed that some types of music immediately help you feel at peace? In the Bible David played music to calm King Saul. With your smartphone you can pull up the LifeSongs App and hear a message of Hope 24/7. A couple of talented brothers in Colorado decided to use their well-practiced skills on the piano to help other teenagers with their mental health.
Alexander and Aiden Zhao both love classical music. Alex is in the Denver Youth Orchestra where he plays both the piano and bassoon. His younger 12 year old brother plays piano and saxophone. The dynamic duo created Music for Teen Mental Health (M4THMH) to use classical music to promote mental well-being.
They have put together a team of other talented musicians to put on concerts at hospitals, senior centers and local schools – all to promote mental health. As a non-profit they raise funds to cover the cost of counseling sessions for underprivileged teens.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Henry Thomas is making a small but meaningful change among the forgotten residents of the most populous city in the US. Henry was homeless as a child, and his mother was unhoused for most of her life as well. Homelessness is a big problem in New York – as well as many cities across America. When Henry looks in the eyes of kids who are food insecure – he sees himself as a child.
Even just one meal can go a long way toward survival, so 11 years ago he started Free Food for the Homeless, a program he runs with his son. Every day, the two lug a cooler full of meals around the streets and subways of New York, serving food to hungry folks and seeking donations from others.
Henry says, “I’m not giving them food, I’m giving them hope.” Since 2013, Henry and his son have fed around 50 people a day. Father and son’s efforts remind many of New York’s unhoused people that they haven’t been forgotten.
And a special thanks to the residents and restaurants providing free food and water to the investigators in New Orleans responding to the terror attack on New Years. Food = Love.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Danny Moreno is a hero. Over three decades Captain Moreno served the fire department and EMS Services. But the retired Fire Captain wasn’t on duty this time – he was just at the movie theater watching Moana 2 with his wife and granddaughter. A few rows behind him, Allison Hannah started yelling for anyone who knows CPR!
6 year-old Mosie collapsed – a result of her heart condition that sometimes causes dangerous changes in heart rate. Not missing a beat, Captain Moreno leapt over the seats and began chest compressions on little Mosie.
Shortly after EMTs arrived and took Mosie to the hospital for a check up, but she got the all clear and went home that day. Later in the week the Allison clan and Moreno family got together for a dinner to celebrate the heroic actions of Captain Moreno and the health of Mosie – two families now forever entwined.
Monday, December 30, 2024
Some people become a footnote in history – but Olivier Rioux is so much more. He’s a FEETnote! The 7 foot 9 inches tall Florida Gator Freshman is the tallest player in college basketball History! Olivier even towers over Shaquille O’Neal!
It’s not the first time Olivier has been featured in the Guinness World Record book – he was named the world’s tallest teenager when he was only 15. He doesn’t even have to jump to dunk, which seems like the ultimate alley-oop opportunity!
The Canadian born baller is looking forward to helping the Gators take on SEC competitors with a simple game plan – throw the basketball so high that only Olivier can grab the pass.
Friday, December 27, 2024
New York Bus Driver Luis Jimenez is a hero. His keen eyes and caring heart saved the life of 5 year old Addy Gonzalez. He spotted the kindergartner wandering along on the street near 106th and Broadway. He had a passenger call 911 and they safely got her on the bus.
Turns out the little girl had left her school to find a pet shop to replace her pet fish. Thank God for Luis’ quick actions! A little while later, after the story got out, the pair were reunited for a follow up story – and of course Luis brought a special gift for Addy – a new goldfish!
Addy’s dad Cesar gave Luis a gift too – a cap that reads “Addy’s Hero.”
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Julie Ward and her Boston Terrier Millie Dog became Uptown celebrities during the pandemic. They would walk the sidewalks with chalk and leave little murals along the way. It was a way to brighten up the lives of their neighbors during a really scary time of isolation.
This past January Millie Dog passed away. The grief is still heavy on Julie’s heart – but the community love felt for Millie Dog has led to a special blessing. Millie’s House is a little free library box filled with art supplies, so kids and adults in Uptown can continue the tradition of brightening their sidewalks in honor of Millie Dog!
Neighbor hood donations keep the little sidewalk stop fully stocked with sidewalk chalk, paints, pens, pencils, canvas and more – they even have custom Millie Dog stickers for kids. How lovely that this sweet pup is still adding to the beauty of her neighborhood.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Moms helping other moms is always good news! A trend was born out of Nashville when Denaesha Gonzalez saw evidence of a selfless choice at her local Target. Denaesha found an abandoned purse next to the diaper display. Obviously a mom had opted to get the needed diapers over the cute little clutch. That is just one of a million selfless decisions moms have to make.
But this touched a tender spot in Danaesha’s heart. In her heart she wanted that mom to have the best of everything – the diapers she needed and the purse she wanted! She shared a video about this moment and went mega viral. But even better than online attention – Danaesha’s post sparked generosity!
Another social media mom bought a $100 gift card, wrote an encouraging note and hid it on the diaper aisle of her local store. It became the #shedeservedthepurse challenge which now has over 150 others on TikTok doing the same secret gift giving!
Thursday, December 19, 2024
19-year-old Reed Marcum out of McAlester, OK wanted to make this Christmas a very merry Christmas for all kids in his community – so he put on a toy drive and proceeded to host the biggest 4-H toy giveaway in Oklahoma history!
Reed and his 4-H group gave away over 15,000 toys to kids and families over the course of one glorious weekend! And this isn’t the first time Reed has played Santa for his community – he’s been doing toy drives since he was only 11 years old.
On top of giving away tens of thousands of toys over the years, Reed has also raised over $3.5 million in funds and donated goods, including an annual book bag giveaway. Reed is now a pre-law sophomore at Oklahoma State University. He hopes to defend the helpless in courtrooms one day.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
A Missouri school held multiple meetings with parents over what to rename their K-8th school building – and in the end it was a unanimous decision. They named the school after their beloved, longtime custodian, Claudene Wilson!
The ribbon cutting ceremony at Claudene Wilson Learning Center was a sweet and emotional moment for Claudene and all who love her … which is everybody in this community! The 64-year-old has served the school as the chief custodian and janitor, plumber, landscaper, school bus driver, cafeteria worker and perhaps most important to the kids – door greeter every single morning!
The kids love and trust Claudene – she is the ultimate school MVP and now the school bears her name in big silver letters!
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Bekah is an army wife. Her husband Chris is deployed overseas, leaving her lonely on her 30th birthday. It’s hard to be thirty and flirty and thriving when you are all on your own. Thankfully Bekah has the BEST in-laws.
Her mother and father-in-law drove 17 hours to celebrate Bekah on her big day! Shout out to all of our military families that have celebrated big moments without their spouse or parent – but have had great friends and family stand in the gap.
Monday, December 16, 2024
Bill and his wife Becky have been married for over 50 years and together have tried to visit every state capital in the US. It’s number one on their bucket list – and time is running out, as Bill is terminally ill. Their local Chickfila in Houston, TX stepped up to get the precious couple the last capital on their list: Juneau, Alaska!
Because of Bill’s illness the couple can no longer travel long distances, so the team at Chickfila reached out to the Alaska State Capital employees and sent a copy of Bill and Becky’s wedding photo. Alaskan capital employees snapped photos with the couple’s picture at various sites in front of the Capital building, signed the couple into the visitors’ log and sent a bundle of souvenirs from the gift shop back to Texas.
The Houston Chickfila team even commissioned a drawing of the couple standing at the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska and presented all of these gifts to their very special customers – who were thrilled to get their 50th capital.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Summer Clayton founded Dinner with Dad on social media under the name YourProudDad and now has peaceful meals with 2.4 million kids and adults alike. Summer’s premise is simple – he sets two plates on the table – one for him and one for you. He prays a prayer of thanksgiving for the food and then as he dines – chats with his viewers.
His followers have posted about how nice it feels to be asked about their day and to have a peaceful meal that feels like real family time. Summer has also posted some simple how to videos as the internet’s favorite Dad. He’s taught followers how to shave, tie a tie and offer wisdom and encouragement.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Most of us do the bulk of our Christmas shopping from our phones – and like magic the gifts show up in boxes at our front door! But it is not magic – it’s hard work done by folks like Brandon who works for UPS in Red Wing, MN.
A 14 year old girl named Mari Hanson decided to honor the brown-shorts-wearing delivery man with a custom art installation by her mailbox. The artistic teen created a diorama art box entitled “Petite Postal Place Featuring: Brandon.”
Brandon was blown away by the girl’s kindness and talent – snapping picks with the art installation to share with all of his friends.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
3-year-old John Coleman is a happy little boy. He’s got a ton of toys to play with, but everything stops every Tuesday morning – garbage pick-up day. John has been a fan of the big lime green trucks that pick up their garbage for his entire life.
Every week John runs out to greet his garbage collector, Craig Hodges. John demands a big hug and usually brings Craig a snack, like an apple or some other treat. Then Craig lets John toot the truck’s horn before he is tearfully pulled away by his mom.
When John began pre-school he was no longer around on Tuesday mornings, which bummed out Craig and John both. So Craig worked with his bosses to change his pick-up route so he could end the day at John’s house after he got back from school!
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Most brides do not want any sort of surprise at their wedding – after spending countless hours putting together their dream wedding, most would not welcome unexpected guests interrupting the ceremony – but when Cintia Pereira saw the surprise guests her husband-to-be arranged to crash the wedding, she burst into happy tears!
Cintia is a speech therapist in Brazil. She works with a lot of special needs kids, many with Down’s syndrome. When it came time for the ring bearer to walk down the aisle, Cintia got a parade of her students all dressed to the nines. Her husband had planned the whole thing out for months!
Monday, December 9, 2024
If you are going to build playgrounds for kids it makes sense to have your kids actually design the playground of their dreams! 11-year-old Rosili Olson put crayons to paper to show what she felt would be the perfect playground for little kids in her Utah neighborhood. Rosili has a little sister and wants only the best for her!
Mom and Rosili visited their City Hall and met with the Parks Department. They had a budget but no design … until Rosili handed them her drawing! The city put the new playground near the Olson’s house with the right slides, climbing structures and color scheme put together by the awesome big-sister – who even got to be a part of the ribbon cutting ceremony with her little sister.
Friday, December 6, 2024
What’s cooler than being an astronaut? Being a high-fashion designer astronaut, of course. Luxury fashion house Prada and commercial space company Axiom Space have unveiled the designs for a spacesuit that will be worn for NASA’s Artemis III moon mission.
The slick-looking suits include a range of innovative features and will allow astronauts to spacewalk for at least eight hours a day due to specially engineered boots. The suits will be made with a white material able to reflect heat, offering protection from extremely high temperatures and lunar dust.
Plus, a brand like Prada knows a thing or two about textiles, and their understanding of fabrics and sewing techniques showcased the practical side of fashion. “This is a groundbreaking partnership,” said Russel Ralston, executive vice president of Axiom Space, about the collaboration. “We’re blending engineering, science and art.”
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Jamie Lynn Dorr and her husband moved to a new town. Starting over is hard for anyone. Now add a special needs child to the mix. Their son Bowen had many challenges, but God put an angel of a person in this family’s life – Bowen’s teacher Holly Allgood.
Holly practically adopted Jamie Lynn and her son. She walked them through many challenges. When Bowen’s health took a turn, Ms. Holly would Facetime with the little boy every day from his hospital bed.
Bowen needed a liver transplant and neither of his parents were a match. One guess who was… Holly Allgood!
Jaimie Lynn says “Holly Allgood isn’t just [Bowen’s] teacher, she’s not just our friend, but truly our hero and is laying her life down to give Bowen life and I am grateful Bowen will have a piece of her always.”
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
In 1996, Master Sergeant Gordon Storey was tasked with launching and leading a volunteer program on Dyess Air Force Base in Texas. He barely knew where to start. And yet, nearly 30 years later, the Dyess We Care Team is going strong. With the help of 15,000 volunteers, his nonprofit has completed hundreds of projects for the elderly and others in need in and around Abilene, Texas.
However, that’s not the only benefit of the program. Storey explains that having community outreach opportunities can significantly improve an airman’s mental health. He’s seen and experienced firsthand how isolation and monotony can lead airmen to feel unhappy and unfulfilled, sometimes leading to dangerous behaviors like substance abuse. Working together and doing something that results in tangible good is a game changer.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
YOU are the Good News Story today! When you give to LifeSongs on #GivingTuesday, you help spread the Gospel through music and ministry – AND on Giving Tuesday, we’ll send you a special present for your gift – the limited edition 2024 LifeSongs Christmas Ornament!
Ooooh! Aaaah! Just imagine how nice that will look on your Christmas tree!
GIVE NOW on Giving Tuesday!
Monday, December 2, 2024
It all started out of boredom. Manuel Vera was stuck at home in Silver Springs, MD during the COVID lockdown. The 74-year-old retiree needed something to do with his hands and wanted to help out his neighbors. So the handyman started asking around for old and broken bikes. He took the donated wheels into his backyard shed and got to work.
Manuel restored bike after bike – and offered them up for free to kids and adults who needed some pedal powered transportation. Around this time there was an influx of refugees from Afghanistan. These families had nothing – and no way to get to work or school. So Manuel began more large scale bike giveaways to serve these new neighbors.
Now Silver Springs all know Manuel as “The Bike Dude” who has provided more than 700 restored bikes to people of all walks … or rides… of life. Some people use the bikes for exercise – others for necessary transportation, but all of them are grateful. And Manuel is just happy to be of service.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Almost a decade ago we first heard the story of how Wanda and Jamal became family. Wanda “The Thanksgiving Grandma” accidentally texted the wrong number – Jamal’s number – to invite one of her grandchildren to Thanksgiving dinner. Jamal befriended Wanda and the 16 year old didn’t have any Thanksgiving plans – so he began a tradition of joining the Dench family each year.
Their friendship has only grown. Together this unlikely pair have been there for each other through good and bad times – like when Wanda’s husband Lonnie passed away in 2020 from COVID.
This year the Thanksgiving celebration is even more important as Wanda, now in her mid 60s, is battling breast cancer. Jamal will be there with the rest of the family to give Thanks for another year of having such love in their lives. And Wanda is using their online fame to encourage other women to continue getting checked each year – catching breast cancer early can save your life.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
In Kenya, young Lemashon was among a group of boys and girls who received shoebox gifts in their extremely remote village. He was overjoyed by the presents he pulled from his shoebox, but even that was not the best part of the outreach event for him. It was the first time he’d heard about Jesus Christ, and his heart was glad to receive Him as Lord and Savior. Lemashon immediately enrolled in The Greatest Journey to learn more about the King of kings. He then started sharing the Gospel with his family, friends, and neighbors who had never heard the Name of Jesus Christ.
Lemashon’s passionate words are reaching those who have felt lost in despair for so long. His encounter with Christ through Operation Christmas Child has paved the way for the Gospel to shine forth.
Even though collection week is over – you can still pack a shoebox gift with OCC – with some online shoebox shopping!
Monday, November 25, 2024
In 1993 the very first Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts were delivered. Now, more than 30 years later, the ministry has grown by leaps and bounds and crossed a major milestone – the 200 MILLIONTH shoebox gift packed and delivered! Let that giant number sink in – 200 million Christmas presents…
Elizabeth Goff is on an international tour working for Operation Christmas Child to celebrate the 200 millionth shoebox gift. When Elizabeth was a young girl in a Ukrainian orphanage, she received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift – and has since joined the hard working team to share the Gospel around the globe. She is traveling the country sharing her story – packing more gifts – and she hand delivered the ceremonial 200 millionth OCC gift to a child in her home country – war-torn Ukraine.
Elizabeth reminds people at each packing stop that this gift is not just going to make it a special Christmas for a child – but that an entire community will learn about Jesus and witness His love in action because of the work being done through Samaritan’s Purse. Today is the last official day of National Collection Week – but you can still build a shoebox gift online – any day or time of the year!
Friday, November 22, 2024
Leila Mae Cummings is a 98 year old Greensboro, NC native who loves sharing Jesus with kids around the world through Operation Christmas Child. She packs hundreds of gifts, year round. She grew up on a farm, so she likes the hard work. This past year she packed almost 900 shoebox gifts all by herself!
Leila Mae loves putting together gifts for children and says she hopes God lets her keep on working until it’s her time to go home.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
In the heart of the Huasteca jungle, Operation Christmas Child partners with local churches to share the Gospel – and give Christmas presents to children – all in their native languages.
Wherever the Gospel is shared – lives are transformed – and the jungles of Mexico are suddenly bursting with new life because of the shoebox gifts you put together!
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Saliha received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift and it completely changed the course of her life! As a young teen in Central Asia, Saliha was overjoyed to be given such a gift – that included her favorite gift ever – a new kite! Even better – the relationships she made at her new church helped her not feel so alone.
Saliha’s family was broken by divorce when she was very young. Her mother moved overseas to earn enough money to care for Saliha and her younger brother – who went to live with the aunt. With a lovely kite in hand and Jesus in her heart, Saliha made close friends that helped her remain joyful as she grew.
Now Saliha is married with a child of her own – and busy finishing her studies at University. She plans to become a teacher – and also teach about Jesus at her church.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
When Hurricane Otis slammed Mexico in October of 2023 – many families lost everything. Acapulco went from being a jewel of the coast to shattered homes and muddied roads. Now whenever there is a thunderstorm, families huddle close with PTSD.
But these families also witnessed God’s people hard at work for their benefit. Hours after the storm cleared, workers poured in to help clean and rebuild. Pastors Ulises and Yesenia drove down to the hardest hit town of La Barra de Coyuca with supplies loaded in their car.
They organized Operation Christmas Child for the communities to get clothes and replace all the toys these children lost in the storm. Samaritan’s Purse was able to equip over 300 churches in the area and mobilized hundreds of volunteers to continually help these communities.
Monday, November 18, 2024
Pastor Jacob, his family and a small ministry team had the unenviable task of getting Operation Christmas Child gifts and resources to a hidden Filipino community, nestled in the mountain forest. There are no roads – only 35 miles of slippery, muddy forest trails.
Pastor Jacob built a container wrack for his dirt bike and loaded up as many gifts as it would carry before setting out on the perilous mountain journey to deliver the gifts and the gospel. Fifteen times the dirt bike tipped over and had to be reloaded. Eventually the motorcycle could go no further and the team carried loads by hand up the dangerous trail.
They crossed three rivers, fighting to keep the goods safe and dry. But eventually the team arrived with Christmas in tow! The Gospel was shared – miraculous healings happened in the village too! The response from this remote village was so great that the locals began harvesting lumber to build their own church building in the center of the hidden town.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Esmerelda, her daughter Fernanda and their neighbors will never forget the night Hurricane Otis hit their community just outside of Acapulco. 10 year old Fernanda was terrified as she and her mom hid underneath the bed as winds ripped their roof clean off. Buried in mud along with all of their belongings – they were rescued by Esmerelda’s father and gathered, now homeless with the rest of the family in a shelter near by.
Samaritan’s Purse was on the ground hours after the storm moved away – providing food, clothing and resources for the devastated community. One night the family was invited to a local church for Operation Christmas Child. Esmerelda hadn’t seen her daughter smile and laugh with her friends since the storm. Fernanda’s gift box had some toys, socks and most importantly – a notebook and colored pencils. The little artist was thrilled!
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Operation Christmas Child has been delivering shoebox gifts to Cambodia for many years – planting churches and providing care for people in the most rural locations. 14-year-old Makara remembers getting his first Christmas present and hearing about God’s love.
Makara shared how he was so lonely and hurt when his parents got divorced when he was 9. His home was not a place of love. But he recognized the Love of Jesus as real and lasting – gave his life to Christ and found a hope and joy he never knew existed.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Most of Grenada’s diverse agriculture comes from the lush volcanic soil in St. Andrew. But don’t let the beauty and bounty fool you – there’s a dark side to this island village.
Poverty, crime, drug use, gambling and abusive homes abound in St. Andrew. Looking just beneath the surface this tropical paradise is becoming a paradise lost. The ones who suffer the most from these conditions are children – many are completely neglected as their parents fight for survival.
But when Operation Christmas Child visits the local churches and delivers Christmas and a message of hope – you can feel the shift in attitude. Kids laugh and play – parents are mentored – the world gets a little bit brighter as these families come to know Jesus through a simple shoebox gift. Plus local pastors like John Braithwaite are getting long term support with ministry partners!
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Years ago Pastor Paata gave a young deaf boy a shoebox gift. That gift changed Akaki’s life. Now a young man, Akaki serves alongside Pastor Paata to bring Jesus to the country of Georgia – specifically to the deaf community!
Akaki remembers that his favorite part of the gift he received so many years ago was not the great toys – it was a picture of a family from America. He couldn’t read the letter inside – he would learn English later. But he saw a family who he instinctively knew truly loved him.
That love changed him – brought him to Jesus – and now he shares that love with his people. Akaki suggests picture books and comics for kids who can’t read yet.
Monday, November 11, 2024
Seven volunteers and an Operation Christmas Child coordinator loaded up two cars and a pick-up truck with shoebox gifts, groceries and supplies and headed into an active war zone. The exact locations are kept quiet due to sensitive political and safety reasons. Their small convoy was ushered into a bombed out town by police.
The town was mostly rubble. People were living in tents. A portion of the population had evacuated to another neighboring village, where Operation Christmas Child was able to meet the needs of over 100 children and their families. They prayed with the shell-shocked. They served food and medical care. All the while they could hear bombs and gunfire in the distance.
When asked why these missionaries would voluntarily go into danger to deliver Hope to children they responded “The Lord has called us to bring peace and restoration to the places where war brought destruction.”
Friday, November 8, 2024
If you are going to accept a missionary position, there probably aren’t as many sweet assignments as French Polynesia. Just a 90 minute boat ride away from where the Olympic surf competition was held is a cluster of small villages in Tahiti where Operation Christmas Child is sharing Jesus, along with wonderful gifts for children.
Samaritan’s Purse has been investing in these villages for 2 years now, with families begging for extra Greatest Journey classes for all of their children. For these kids, the presents are nice, but learning about Jesus and finding a loving community in Christ is worth more than gold!
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Pastor Roger and his wife Shirley – along with dozens of parents had happy tears pouring down their faces as they watched their children open Operation Christmas Child presents. Pure joy rang out as kids laughed and played and celebrated Christmas in the streets of San Lorenzo, Paraguay.
Pastor Roger has served Iglesia de Dios with dwindling hope. Despair filled the city and the church was preparing to close its doors for good. But God reignited the spirit of this poor neighborhood in South America through Operation Christmas Child. Just this year over 183,000 gifts were given out and the faith of the young people of Paraguay will shape this country’s future!
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
The Caucasus region of Asia Minor has not always been receptive to the Gospel. Parts of Georgia and Azerbaijan have been wedged between the Soviets and the Middle East with centuries of tension and conflict. But thanks to Christmas presents through Operation Christmas Child, that has begun to change.
One of the church leaders in a small gathering of believers is 15 year old Ketevan. She was introduced to Jesus when she was just six years old and got her first Operation Christmas Child gift. It wasn’t just the school supplies and cute gloves that made her happy – it was the idea that someone loved her because Jesus loved her. She wanted that too. She chose that.
Now this teenager helps a full-time missionary to her region, who happens to be Korean. Together they lead weekend worship services and share Jesus with the young community. They pray for and expect a nationwide revival.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Genaro grew up on coffee plantations in Mexico. As a young man he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. His father could do nothing but pray. Genaro Sr. recruited every friend and pastor he could find to pray for his dying son.
And God did a miracle! There was no medical treatment – it was supernatural healing. Both father and son dedicated their lives to sharing Jesus from that point forward.
Genaro Jr. became a teacher of The Greatest Journey – which is a discipleship program that teaches communities after Operation Christmas Child delivers presents. Now his life is filled with sharing Jesus with children in Mexico – and we can partner with him through Operation Christmas Child!
Monday, November 4, 2024
Rita Danso had a burden on her heart for unreached villages of her native Ghana. She had prayed and prayed but no one would go with her. The response was always – it’s too far – too dangerous – the road is too bad. Then she connected with Operation Christmas Child. They simply said, “Let’s go!”
And there were incredible challenges. These remote villages were nearly impossible to reach, but with the help of a tractor pulling supplies and shoebox gifts – and miles of muddy, rocky hiking, some isolated communities in Ghana were introduced to Jesus and their kids got their first Christmas presents.
Rita has become a fixture in the villages, sharing Jesus and teaching children. And it was made possible because of people all around the world participating in Operation Christmas Child!
NEED MORE GOOD NEWS? Click Here for previous Today’s Good News stories featured on LifeSongs!