“When you see someone who needs help, you help them.” For years, my husband Doug and I have told our son Finn this when we are helping the homeless.
And, more than once, I’ve stopped at a red light and not even noticed the homeless person asking for help. Then I hear my 6 year old’s voice from the backseat, “Mommy – someone needs your help.” It’s very matter of fact. It’s not an option. “When you see someone who needs help, you help them.”
Have you seen these billboards?
With the bright multi-colored letters, of course, Finn spotted it. But after reading it, he asked what it meant. I tried my best to explain that if he got 5 of his friends together – 1 of them would not have enough food. His sweet little heart began to break, “Is it Jack? Is it Ava?” I assured him that Jack and Ava would have plenty of mac & cheese for dinner that night. But do I really know that?
In Louisiana, one out of five children are struggling with hunger. One in six people in Louisiana are food insecure, which means they do not always know where they will find their next meal. An elderly neighbor, a child’s classmate, a coworker, a church member – someone I know is hungry.
As Finn would say, “Someone needs your help.” So let’s help!
Join LifeSongs and STRIKE OUT HUNGER! Monday, June 13th at Rock N Bowl. Bring non-perishable food items or a monetary donation for Second Harvest Food Bank. And bring your friends and family for free bowling with LifeSongs!
Check out the details Here. And we hope to see you soon!
Luke 3:11 – John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”