LifeSongs Drive-Thru Difference

In Home Page, Outreach by Libby


We’re all familiar with the idea of “paying it forward,” and you never know how a simple act of kindness might brighten someone’s day. And there’s a fun way of surprising a complete stranger the next time you’re in the drive-thru line–or anywhere you go to make a purchase. Consider paying for the order of the person behind you! We’ve heard some pretty cool stories of how this really impacted people in ways greater than even that cup of coffee or kids meal.

We’re encouraging you to try the Drive-Thru Difference and help spread a little love around south Louisiana!

  • Here’s how you can positively impact someone’s day:
  • Just download the Drive-Thru Difference Note (PDF) for your LifeSongs:
  • Print it out (maybe even a few copies), take it with you, and put in your car.
  • Simply give that note to the cashier and let them know you want to pay for the person behind you – then see what happens!

We would love to hear how it went – it just might encourage someone to do it, too!

Here are some ways you can share:
Use the hashtag: #LifeSongsDifference on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram
Call the studio: 855-816-8581
Send an email: [email protected]
Post your story to our Facebook page

Thank you for making a difference!

BONUS: When you post a pic with #LifeSongsDifference you could win a prize from the LifeSongs prize vault!