People, Mess & All | Gabby

In Blog, Gabby, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Josh

My husband and I recently flew to Indianapolis for a work trip. In the process of arriving at our destination, we ran into every possible problem. Our first flight was delayed a number of times. As we were FINALLY boarding the plane, my husband’s carry-on got taken and measured by the airline team and he was told it was too thick to board with and that they would check the bag. (Spoiler Alert: We didn’t see his luggage for three days.) Because of our first flight being delayed, we found ourselves desperately sprinting (Home Alone style) through the absolutely MASSIVE and confusing Dallas Airport to try to make our connecting flight….and ICING ON THE CAKE, we missed our connecting flight from Dallas to Indy.

We wandered the airport trying to find someone to help us with very little success until we saw a customer service desk, where we received no help. Every interaction with the airline was a bust and we became super discouraged that we would never get to our destination.

After gathering ourselves we found our phones flooding with encouragement. Also, my husband’s sister who lives in the Dallas Fort Worth area dropped everything to come pick us up. She generously offered her room at her college to my husband and I. The next day, she made sure to show us some of her favorite spots before dropping us off at the airport. That night we made it to Indianapolis and found ourselves being constantly blessed with needs being met from start to finish of our trip.

This chain of events got me thinking about the temptation of doing life alone. The pandemic got many of us used to and more comfortable with doing life separate from others. When we choose to place ourselves within a community and in situations where we have to manage interactions with others, there is the understanding that it will be messy. But these interactions, encounters and experiences give us opportunities to bear the joy of Christ, which is impossible if we live removed. The truth is we need people, mess and all. Though I may have to make friends on road trips for the foreseeable future as I may be avoiding air travel.

We at LifeSongs would love to hear of how someone was a blessing to you in your life. Share with us by calling or texting 855-856-8581.