You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Please pray for my Husband Kevin\'s salvation and my four children Christopher Megan Adam and David salvation! My knees ! A job and to pass my rma!

Received: October 3, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


PRAISE REPORT- The last praising prayer day I called in on the air and you guys prayed with me for my son as he was headed in the wrong direction. And later that day he had a seizure which led to a series of seizures that week. And this was a wake up call for him to realize that he needs to change things and start heading in the right direction. God is good.

Received: October 3, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Kelly smith

Lord I pray that you touch my son trinity and show him that you are our Lord and savior and ever thing is possible through you. Lord touch his heart and show him how much you love him. Lord please keep him out jail and show him to have respect for others and me lord. Lord I pray you help me kelly to give me the strengthen to keep me walking in my faith and keep my enemies away from me and my family. Lord,I pray for my church family.

Received: October 2, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Urge Fast & Pray.Heavenly father forgive all our sins (me, daughter, husband) shower YOUR mercy & deliver me from devil’s clutches (unwanted-uneven-ugly thoughts could not control). Touch, heal our mind, body, soul. Destroy all evil plans. Wrap us under YOUR wings & save my family from hell. Help my daughter in her study-exams, give her wisdom-knowledge, keep us healthy-happy. Protect us from all infections-illness. Control my husband’s anger help him, shower love, peace, forgiveness, Protect my job-no one may harm me at my job place. Provide me finance, hide identity, IJN Amen

Received: October 1, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Pray so I can lead by example and for when I am weak let the power of Christ shine through.

Received: September 30, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Elizabeth Mary White

May John and Amy draw closer to God, seeking our Heavenly Father's will and wisdom. May John and Amy uphold and live by Judea-Christian family values. As John seeks a faith-based leadership position, may he humbly lead with prayer and with Christ's salvation, true love, understanding, strength, goodness, honesty and righteousness. In Jesus Christ's name.

Received: September 29, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


I feel like God has forgotten about me and doesn't have a husband for me. I feel like God doesn't want me to ever get married and wants me to be single forever. I feel like there is no man who will ever marry me. I feel like it will never be my turn to be a bride and my special wedding day. I feel like my prince will never come in my life and he will never find me. I feel like God is ignoring all my prayers for my future husband.I feel like it will never be my turn to be a beautiful princess on my wedding day. Men aren't attracted to me and they don't seem to like me. I guess something must be wrong with me like I am too ugly and not beautiful and being a vegetarian too. I guess God doesn't want me to get married because He knows that I will be a bad wife. I guess I am the wrong woman to be a wife & mom. I guess my callings in life isn't to be a wife & mom. I just have lots of bad luck. I don't think there is a man in this world who will ever ask me out on a date or want to kiss me so I can finally have my first kiss. If a man asked me out on a date and wanted to kiss me I would be totally surprised. I just feel like I am an invisible, unattractive woman and men don't know that I even exist.

Received: September 29, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Please be in prayer agreement for Healing in my body. I seriously need Jesus my body.

Thank you & Amen

Received: September 28, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Lord Jesus I bring my son Leland to you. I pray You would exult the power of the cross , the blood of Jesus, your protection and your favor upon his life. I pray by Your resurrection that You would cancel his debt and clear him from charges pending against him for his upcoming court case on October 13th. Shine your face upon Leland and help him to acknowledge You as Lord and Savior. Use this time in Leland's life to bring him to a saving knowledge of You. I invite you into the situation and for the blood of Jesus to be upon the lawyers, judge, court documents, etc. and pray Your love and grace will prevail and there will be alternative resources provided to Leland that will allow him to rebound and rebuild his life in a positive manner to glorify you. Praying for godly mentors and angels to surround, encourage and protect Leland during this time of difficulty. Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy upon Leland. In Jesus name, Amen! God is Able!

Received: September 27, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


My daughter is caught up with evil bad! She is dancing on Burbon St. (Dancing is a polite term) and hooked on heroin. No telling what else. I need all hands on her, she is in complete denial and refuses to tell me the truth. I'm so scared, she's only 22 and I'm afraid she won't see 23 and her birthday is in November. Please pray hard. Please.

Received: September 26, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Pls pray fir healing fir my daughter Kelsey from recurring stomach pain and discomfort. Pls pray she is free if any stress anxiety illness or any other matters causing the pain. Pls pray she is healed healthy and whole. Pls pray fir immediate pain relief. In Jesus name. Amen!

Received: September 26, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Pls pray fir healing fir my daughter Kelsey from recurring stomach pain and discomfort. Pls pray she is free if any stress anxiety illness or any other matters causing the pain. Pls pray she is healed healthy and whole. Pls pray fir immediate pain relief. In Jesus name. Amen!

Received: September 26, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Urge fast & pray. Heavenly father forgive all our sins, shower YOUR mercy on us, deliver my mind (uneven-ugly thoughts about God, I could not control) from devil’s chain. Touch & heal our (me, daughter,husband) mind, body, soul. Destroy all evil plans. Help my daughter in her study-exams, give her knowledge-wisdom, protect us from infections-illness, control my husband’s anger, protect my job-no one may harm me at my job place, provide me finance, hide identity IJN Amen.

Received: September 24, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

giselle j

can help me pray to be strong spiritually as i always feel a strange presence trying to get me down thanks

Received: September 24, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Please pray that God blesses me with my first kiss soon. I am 26 and never been kissed on the lips by a man. I am tired of waiting for my first kiss. I hope my first kiss will be special and worth the wait. I can't wait to experience my first kiss and to finally know what kissing feels like. I desire my first kiss so much. Pray for this man that is going to give me my first kiss that he will be blessed to be the first man to ever kiss my sweet lips.

Received: September 23, 2016


Please pray that God will bring my future husband into my life tomorrow. Tomorrow is my sister's birthday and I would love my future husband to celebrate my sister's birthday and come to my house. I would love to invite him, but I know he isn't in my life. This would be a dream come true. I would love for him to meet my family and my dog. I know it is probably impossible since I don't know who or where he is.

Received: September 23, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Please pray for my sister Gabriella; she's been gravely ill for years and is now in a tremendous amount of pain and swelling. She's never been this bad before or in this amount of pain; she's expected to be called home by our heavenly Father soon and that would be a blessing - His will is all that matters but please pray that He sends angels to her bedside to calm and comfort her until then. May you all be abundantly blessed for praying for her... We cannot thank you enough for your prayers and concern. Your sister in Him, Paula

Received: September 23, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Pray GOD will stop Bullies from Picking on Derek at school.Pray GOD will make Derek confident and strong and he will not fear being Bullied at middle school.Pray GOD will put a hedge of protection around Derek and Pray GOD gives him power that will make the Bullies not want to mess with him . In JESUS Name Amen

Received: September 22, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Lindsay Lauricella

Carmen and Jason Brink's six-year-old daughter Avery was admitted to Children's Hospital in New Orleans on Thursday, September 8 with pneumonia. Within 48 hours she underwent surgery to reduce the fluid that had accumulated in her lungs and abdomen. Avery went into heart failure during the procedure and is now on a respiratory machine as well as ECMO which is a heart bypass machine. Our prayers are currently concentrated on a new antibiotic to fight her sepsis, and that she can complete enough consistent dialysis to remove the excess fluid in her lungs.

Please join us in praying that her brain, liver and kidneys don't fail her while she is essentially on life support and that her body has a chance to fight off this infection, clear her lungs and get blood pumping into her heart all on its own. Please pray.

We have created a Facebook page (along with the Caring Bridge site for those not on FB) to keep everyone informed of Avery’s progress and to provide you with specific prayer requests.

We will also list blood drive opportunities and share the other many and beautiful ways our community is showing its support of Avery.

Thank you all for your love and support. While we are certainly not requesting donations, we are humbled by and grateful for the many of you who have reached out to us asking to contribute to Avery’s medical expenses. There are two official ways to do so:

- A non-profit account titled PRAYERS FOR AVERY DONATION FUND has been set up at Gulf Coast Bank. Contributions may be made at any Gulf Coast branch. 100% of donations will go to Avery’s medical bills.

- Family friend Karrina Barnhill created a Go Fund Me also to assist with out of pocket expenses:

Received: September 22, 2016

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Hello, my dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, today I'm writing for a special request.

I'm presbyter in the 4° IPI (4° Igreja Presbiteriana Independente) (4° Independent Presbyterian Church) is a simple church in a simple and small city in the Midwest.

Small isn't a problem! The problem, and maybe it's just in Brazil I don't know they're in the US, is if we need to do some work in the church, we ask for help, just the same people answer this request. Day by day the church, the God's House became a dirty and abandoned place.

Well, in the Q2 the church watched the movie "War Room", it really has made a difference in some people's life. But unfortunately for a short period. I made a compromise with God to prayer and fasting all Monday and Friday to ask for: forgiveness, leadership and church members, for my Mom and Brothers, for my family and house and for myself. Past some months my, father-in-law, pastor Edson T. Duran, request to the church to prayer and fasting every Friday. I also started a study with the church youth, based on the book Knowing God Intimately by Joyce Meyer, taught by missionary Jefferson J. DA Silva and I. I really pray God to speak to those young hearts.

First results after this. Pastor Edson, asked to every single person to go to church on Saturday set/10 to clean the church (I didn't take the new pictures yet, as soon I take it I'll save on my OneDrive that you already have the link). Well the answer of the church as 25 people (men, women, youth and children) there to work, willing to do anything needed. "Never we had a collective effort so full like this one" pastor Edson words. Once for a month, we make a lunch to raising money. With this money we will buy new things to the church and also using to paint and restore the temple. Two youths, a young couple not married, Filipe (engineering student) and Lorrana (architecture student), came to me to show me a build project. I loved the idea. We make some meeting and when was ready I said to the church council and those young made a presentation. Really, it was a God's answer to my prayers. The council approved the project. Now the Council is studying the options to rebuild the temple.

But all is too new to everybody. A lot of people still sitting down as "heater bench", murmuring and disputing. The church is not a missionary church, the neighbors doesn't know the church and maybe one day in the past visited and probably became scared about what they saw (Temple condition). My wife and I are from São Paulo and I move to Anápolis in 2014 I don't know everything happened in this church. The fact is Today is a Cold church. God is putting some renewed fire, but really this may end if all leadership doesn't arise on knees to pray. "All the leadership I mean pastor, presbyters, deacons and maybe Sunday School teachers too.

I believe that the sin of the flesh can't overlap the God's Glory, the man's voice can't to overlap the God's Voice. So I feel that it's time to the church rise up to work and kneel to pray. When I said flesh vs Glory and man's will vs God's will, I mean that the leadership needs to be totally covered by God's will, no matter what. My church is needing this, today (09/21) I spoke with my father-in law (the pastor), and he told me that he wants to start a new project in the church. Project, Projects and more Projects, without the leadership kneels will not persevere.

Please, who felt in your heart join me in prayer to my church (4° IPC from Anápolis Brazil), please!

I feel that God is with us, I really feel that God is answering our prayers, but spiritual war is heavy, really heavy.

I see that my church needs to shine in this terrible world, needs to stand up and move, share Christ with the world. Today we have just 40 people in the church and like missionary Jefferson said, a new temple to 40 cold people, for sure isn't the God's paling. We need an encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Please, pray for us, pray also for your church and family. Jesus is coming soon and I see a dead church, cold church.

If your church is not like mine, pray never be!! No matter, just pray!

Thanks for your attention!

The mighty hand of God cover all of you and your family!

Received: September 22, 2016

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