You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
First and foremost always, Salvation! for my son his little girls and their mothers. Deliverance from addictions of all or any kind and baptism in the Holy Spirit. Direct his steps back to the Gospel and his purpose in the Church and ministry. As for myself: Pass Jan 3 thru 20 class that is required to finish my degree. Process all units after this class is finished and receive my degree in hand asap. Document the will be reviewed for 1/20/2017 to be accepted and given a yes. Also for elective spring classes to go well and the paralegal course.Then my future employer to receive cover letter/resume sent out today to go directly into their hands; employment/job permanently and long term. Also legal case to be finalized this year, God knows the details to this. For letter to take Bar of Ca to be accepted since I qualify and take pass successfully while concurrently taking the JD accelerrated 2 year law course.
Received: December 29, 2016
Fast & pray. Heavenly father shower YOUR mercy on us, forgive all OUR sins (me, daughter, husband), set my mind free from all evil-unwanted thoughts, deliver my mind from devil’s clutches. Touch & heal our mind, body & soul. Remove evil-stony heart of my husband. Break him completely to repent. Destroy all evil plans. Keep my daughter healthy & happy, help her in study, give her wisdom-knowledge. Protect us from all evil- illness-infections. Provide me finance. Protect me at my job place. Hide identity. IJN Amen
Received: December 29, 2016
My Mother in-law Donna is in ICU the doctors thinks she has any where from a day or a week to live. She has a severe blood clot and an infection possibly more. I believe she can be healed but if it's her time her husband, children and grandchildren desperately need to feel the glory, grace, peace, strength and love of our savior. Thank you for your prayers.
Received: December 28, 2016
Winter class from 1/3 through 1/20 to go well, smoothly and pass. Need this class to graduate. Once class if finished may units be processed so that my requirements be met and Diploma mailed out immidiatly. Continue with small academic goals in the Spring 2017 while securing employment with private company God knows that details to that.
Received: December 27, 2016
Christmas Eve and from now on, the front tenant is provoking arguments where there is none all of a sudden, he is a rental person too and since the owners left and sold the home he has become violent and making it so that we will have to leave. A lot of prayer for him to stop, cancel all assignments of satan and secure this studio surround it and us with Arch Angels for there to be peace from now on.
Received: December 24, 2016
International prayer request from Sean in Silicon Valley, CA, USA -- God\'s salvation, healing, and help for many.
1. Please pray for the Lord\'s grace, mercy, help, complete healing, full-household salvation, leadership, peace, protection, and all that’s good from God above for all of:
The USA (Washington DC); California (Sacramento and Silicon Valley, CA); Israel and Jerusalem; all of the Lord’s churches / groups / ministries / gatherings world-wide; Valley Church Cupertino and St. Justin’s Church in fullness; the Body / Church of Christ; me (Sean) and all my family and relatives; all whom I’ve prayed for, and all of mankind as the Lord wills.
Pray that the Lord would physically, mentally, and spiritually save, heal, and restore us all; forgive us of all our sins; write our names in His Book of Life; grant to us all our prayers, needs, and desires of our hearts according to His good will; and deliver us from all evil and the Evil One. Amen, thank you.
2. Please pray for the Lord’s complete healing (even quick physical healing) and pain / anxiety relief for: me (Sean) and all my family and relatives, Larry P., Walter O., Doe and family (Chrissy), John Jr., Judy A., Janice U., Toni K., Kipp T., for all who belong to the Lord, all whom I’ve prayed for, and all of mankind as the Lord wills. Amen, thank you.
Received: December 20, 2016
Edmund Krzeminski
King James Bible Ezekiel 22:30 "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."
Are you ready?
Please pray to overcome for:
0. Poland, freedom from religion to God through Jesus Christ,
0. Church in the USA - Matt. 3.12
1. stirring up the ministry to the God for me, my wife Dorothy, our
daughter Ann, our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15
2. God's will and wisdom for me and my family; specially for learning in school for Daniel,working for Edmund, Dorothy, Peter (also God's direction for his life) and Ann( Ann needs husband),
3. God's order in my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses.
Thank God for the continuation of my work.
Edmund Krzeminski
Received: December 20, 2016
Please pray that I find a good job soon and that God would help me get over a harmful relationship. Please pray that God would send the right person in my life and that I wouldn't be drawn to the wrong types of people, but to healthy people. That God would give me his peace, joy, and direction. Thanks
Received: December 19, 2016
Fast & pray. Heavenly father shower YOUR mercy on us, forgive all OUR sins (me, daughter, husband), set me (mind) free from all evil-unwanted thoughts, deliver my mind from devil’s clutches. Touch & heal our mind, body & soul. Remove evil-cunning heart of my husband. Break him completely to repent. Destroy all evil plans. Help my daughter in her study, give her wisdom-knowledge. Protect us from all evil- illness-infections. Provide me finance. Protect me at my job place. Hide identity. IJN Amen
Received: December 19, 2016
I wanted to ask everyone of to pray for my friend Justin and his wife as they going through a tough time Justin has been in the hospital for a few weeks now and has been struggling with so much infection , kidney failure and he needs a liver transplant am just asking if anyone want to donate to towards his transplant is 25,000 is the goal so please pray for these family that a miracle is going to happen these Christmas as they going to spend it in the hospital thanks Cesar Ozuna
Received: December 17, 2016
Are you finding it difficult finding the right solutions to all your problems? you don\\\'t need to hide your problem because if you do, you will never find the solution to it. so i advice you to visit DR. UZOR SPELL TEMPLE today and get all your problem spell, financial problems, marriage problem, court case, what ever your problem is, get them solved because god didn\\\'t send you to this world to suffer.if you are interested you can contact via email {[email protected]}or you can visit him on website: ( )
Received: December 14, 2016
Sean in Silicon Valley, CA, USA
Prayer Request from Sean in Silicon Valley, CA, USA -- God's salvation, healing, and help for many.
1. Please pray for the Lord's grace, mercy, healing, salvation, peace, protection, all God’s goodness for: USA, Israel, Jerusalem, the Body of Christ, all the Lord's churches/groups/ministries, for me and my family/relatives, all whom I’ve prayed for, and all mankind as the Lord wills. Amen, thank you.
2. Pray for the Lord’s complete healing and pain / anxiety relief for me and all my family and relatives, Larry P., Walter O., Doe and family (Chrissy), John Jr., Judy A., Janice U., Toni K., Kipp T., for all who belong to the Lord, all whom I’ve prayed for, and all of mankind as the Lord wills. Amen, thank you.
3. Please pray that the Lord would deliver me and all who suffer similarly from the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS - gas, bloating, pain, constipation), allergies, eczema / dermatitis (tormenting skin itching), rosacea (redness of face), depression / anxiety, and from all pain, distress, and discomfort.
4. Ask the Lord to grant all of mankind, as He wills it, all that we have a right to have from Him because of Jesus Christ's perfect finished work on His cross, and to deliver us all from all that we have a right to be delivered from for the same reason – Thank you, amen.
Received: December 14, 2016
Please pray for God to repair my broken marriage and heal each member of my hurting family. Please pray for God to soften my husband's heart towards me and our son!
Received: December 14, 2016
My life is an utter mess and dont know what to do with myself. I\'m depressed and more or less at rock bottom. If you would pray for me I would appreciate it.
Received: December 12, 2016
Heaven Brunson
My husband was in a car wreck over 15 years ago. His hip has gotten arthritis in it this last couple of years and it's bone to bone. He was at work last week and hurt it more at work and now he needs a hip replacement ASAP. Our plan was to get surgery in March since we have a short term disability policy. The doctor doesn't want him going back to work until he has a surgery. His surgery is scheduled for the first week of January. We can't get any help with workman's comp because it's a preexisting condition. Please pray for the finances to come in before and after his surgery. We have two small children and I don't work I'm a stay home mother. Heaven
Received: December 10, 2016
Urge fast & pray. Heavenly father shower YOUR grace on us forgive our sins (me, daughter, husband). Deliver my mind from devil’s clutches (unwanted-ugly thoughts could not control). Touch & heal our mind, body & soul. Destroy all evil plans. Remove stony & angry heart of my husband; make him soft towards his wife & daughter. Remove bitterness from our relationship. Help us to be good parents. Help my daughter in her study, give her wisdom-knowledge. Keep us healthy-happy. Protect us from all infections-illness. Protect my job-no one may harm me at my job place, provide me finance, hide identity IJN Amen
Received: December 10, 2016
Two friends with medical issues. Judy is having a triple by pass surgery today. Also, Edna - is having pancreas problems and is on a liver transplant list. Please pray for these two dear ladies. Thank you!
Received: December 9, 2016
Lord, I come to you because I cannot do this on my own. I pray that I get and keep this new job. Father, please break through every onstacle. Let now man or machine hinder a positive outcome. Forgive me for my past, Father.
This I pray in the name of Jesus christ. AMEN.
Received: December 9, 2016
Sean in Silicon Valley, CA, USA
12/08/16 ---
International prayer request from Sean in Silicon Valley, CA, USA
1. Please pray for the Lord's grace, mercy, help, complete healing, full-household salvation, leadership, peace, protection, and all that’s good from God above for all of:
The USA (Washington DC); California (Sacramento and Silicon Valley, CA); Israel and Jerusalem; all of the Lord’s churches / groups / ministries / gatherings world-wide; Valley Church Cupertino and St. Justin’s Church in fullness; the Body / Church of Christ; me (Sean) and all my family and relatives; all whom I’ve prayed for, and all of mankind as the Lord wills.
Pray that the Lord would physically, mentally, and spiritually save, heal, and restore us all; forgive us of all our sins; write our names in His Book of Life; grant to us all our prayers, needs, and desires of our hearts according to His good will; and deliver us from all evil and the Evil One. Amen, thank you.
2. Please pray for the Lord’s complete healing (even quick physical healing) and pain / anxiety relief for: me (Sean) and all my family and relatives, Larry P., Walter O., Doe and family (Chrissy), John Jr., Judy A., Janice U., Toni K., for all who belong to the Lord, all whom I’ve prayed for, and all of mankind as the Lord wills. Amen, thank you.
Received: December 8, 2016
I agree that if you plan to stay with a cheater don't try to find any information. However, in my case I needed it in my state in order to file for a divorce and come out of the relationship. You can't just say I think courts want proof or you end up spending a lot of time and money to fight it out! Finding out was hard, but I was relieved that I wasn't crazy and it's making my divorce go a lot smoother. He would never confess; therefore, I did the best thing for me...find out, no doubt, move on!!!contact [email protected]'s a professional and will surely help you out,tell him from Jes