You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Heavenly Father, I am reaching out to the man I love. I have hurt him. And although it was unintentional, it still hurt him nonetheless. I am asking You for forgiveness and asking him for it as well. It is hard to forgive myself for hurting the most important person in my life, but I am getting there. I ask that You open us up to one another so that we can reconnect in love and understanding. I ask that You remove the negativity. Open his eyes to see my heart. Remove fear and pride. Fill us both with kindness and compassion. Father, I ask that You bring reconciliation and a renewal of that special love he and I have shared. Remind him of why he fell in love with me in the first place. I am still that woman...but a much improved version of her. I have made many necessary changes. Please help him see that. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Received: August 2, 2016
Heavenly father no more strength to fight with the devil. Urge deliver my mind(ugly uneven thoughts) from devil's chain. Shower YOUR grace-mercy on me. Forgive our sins. Control my husband. Save my family from devil. Touch & heal my daughter, help in her study, protect me & my daughter from all evil plans, infection, illness. Protect my job, provide me finance. Thank you. YOUR will be done. IJN Amen
Received: August 1, 2016
My marriage is falling apart after only a year and a half. My husband is struggling with wanting to stay and also with coming back to Christ. I'm so afraid that he'll leave me. I feel broken. Please pray that God will heal and restore our marriage. Pray that my husband will open up his heart and let Him in. And please pray that God will give me the courage, strength, and faith I need to keep going even when there seems to be no hope.. Thank you.
Received: August 1, 2016
David is experiencing a financial emergency. His Social Security benefits are being withheld. He doesn't know how to fight to get them reinstated and is asking for prayer and help.
Received: August 1, 2016
Heavenly Father, I pray for my broken relationship to be saved and healed. I ask that You flood us with forgiveness and understanding. I ask You to guide us so we will come together in harmony with sympathy, compassion and humility, faithfulness, honesty, respect and most of all love. I ask You to wrap Your loving arms around him and fill him with Your unconditional love. Cast out the assumptions. Open our eyes to see one another's hearts. Only You can make two broken hearts understand each other. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Received: July 31, 2016
Heavenly father no more strength to fight with the devil. Urge deliver my mind(ugly uneven thoughts) from devil's chain. Shower YOUR grace-mercy on me. Forgive our sins. Control my husband. Save my family from devil. Help my daughter in her study,protect me & my daughter from all evil plans, infection, illness. Protect my job, provide me finance. Thank you. YOUR will be done. IJN Amen
Received: July 29, 2016
Our life has just reached a crossroad and we need super natural guidance and wisdom with the decisions we have to make. These are life changing decisions for our large family, and we are nervous but faithful. Please pray for the holy spirit to help guide us and strengthen us through this difficult time.
Received: July 28, 2016
Please pray for Chelsey and her twin boys that were born eleven weeks early. Pray that they are healthy and are able to come home as soon as possible.Please pray for over all situation.
Received: July 28, 2016
Please pray for me that I can get my first kiss soon. I am 26 and never been kissed by a guy before. I really want to know what kissing feels like. Also please pray that the right man finally asks me out who is going to be my future husband and I finally get to go on my first date since I never been on a date before.Thanks.
Received: July 26, 2016
Please pray for my mother. About a month ago she awoke with a horrible pain in her chest and was rushed to the hospital with multiple pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in the lungs) although this is deadly, she made it just in time to be put on oxygen and blood thinners. She has gone through a horrible divorce and it seemed like she was in a state of depression that I thought I would never see her out of. Today she is recovering and although the doctor said it will take her up to a year or more to recover, I thank the lord that he took her in his hands and opened our eyes to show us that everything is ultimately up to him and that he can truly mend all things. THANK YOU LORD for always keeping your hands on us!!! Please pray for my mother's recovery to be a quick and smooth one! He isn't done with you yet mom!
Received: July 26, 2016
A prayer to jesus rebuild my friendship with my friend bruna cristina rodrigues, we commit a sin and now she and the pastors want me out of the church,everyone in the church wont talk to me anymore and the worse is seeing her to reject me for our sin,i cant take this jesus,she wont talk to me cause the pastors and people wont allow her please ask god to break that cause god is in charge and not people also for her not be ashamed of me and the sin we comitted anymore. shes my only family and turned back on me for a mistake we both committed, please ask the lord jesus to get inside her heart to forgive me and be filled with love for me again and be my family again,i even just lost my job which will make it difficult for me to go to the church as much as i am working around here, nothing worse can happen to me, all i do is cry,shes even changed her number, i feel lost when i cant talk to her,why she has to punish me like this oh lord. shes very important to me and im suffering everyday crying missing her and we used to be like sisters, it is so hard i feel like i want to die right now, my lifes over. on top of that people persecute me at work and did still do black magic against me and black magic against brunas life,her own auntie does that.please help, she needs to come back and talk to me.She even said i should talk to God why she cant forgive me and not to her ;(. Also id like to ask you all to pray for her to come into her senses in the sexual area, she needs protection in this area so badly, im worried about her. she just goes out with any boy.she keepseven inside the church looking for attention from boys,even men in relationships,and the single ones she gets their focus out of the word of god when theyr preaching in the church and thats wrong cause she needs to focus on getting attention from god and not men. shes an atttention seeker. ask the lord to keep her more than anything please.its too hard worrying about someone who wont let u help them anymore ;( i do not want her to make the same mistakes in relationships again cause thats the reason they dont allow her to play in the church anymore. and she wants to go back at playing in the church. and i also pray to god she will cause thats her life and the reason why she cant forgive me i suppose.please do not pray if not going to ask god to rebuild my friendship,cause that friendship its my hearts desire. really. Please pray for people in the church not be in the way between me and bruna,i cant talk to her cause theres always someone aroubd like a bodyguard as if i would do something bad to her theyre just stupid...and haters..pray als to god to end this relationship she has with this boy cause hes getting her out of the church and hes responsible for her not forgive me please,hes leading her away of the church and her personal relationship with jesus,he keeps sending her whatsapp msgs when shes at the church,calling her,going out with her and bringing her home at 5am,she used to be a good crhistian girl until shes met this man,he only wants to use her and get her out of the church. he doesnt want anything to do with god.and last week she asked the ´pr if she could be my friend again the pastor said no but only because she is friends with bruna for years and they barely know me in the church and th pastor is worried about the churchs image not about me. i feel like crap. someone help praying for her forgiveness and friendship with me please im desperate .Can someone help me out with a praying campaign for my friendship please? Iknow we cant change brunas or peoples heart but we can pray to GOD TO CHANGE HER BAD BEHAVIOUR AND HEART otherwise what would be the point of following jesus and praying? so no excuse for not praying for her to change....thanks giselle
Received: July 26, 2016
I am overwhelmed. Two months ago, I had a home, a wonderful man to share it with, our our family has been ripped apart by assumptions and misunderstandings. We are all suffering in our own way...he and I, our children. He is battling something within himself that I have no knowledge of. I only see what it has done to him. Controlled by anger and resentment. He focuses on my past mistakes, using them as weapons against me. Refusing to see that I am not that person anymore. That person I was has been gone a long time. It hurts to have those things thrown at me. They are being used to validate his actions and words, when they no longer apply today. I pray for forgiveness. For my own sins, and for his. I pray the Lord will touch him. Allow him to see what is really behind the anger and bring healing. I ask God to bring our family back together. Renew it. Take whatever has been broken, and make it whole again. I ask for wisdom in dealing with him. That the Lord will put the right words in my mouth, so that all he feels is love. He has kicked me out of our home. It was so unexpected. Cruel. I will not allow myself to hate him for it as I know there is something deeper going on here. But I am afraid. I am hurt. I miss our family and I miss the man I use to know. I am unsure what to do next. I need guidance. All of this I ask In Jesus Name.
Received: July 26, 2016
Dear Beloved, Please pray for a permanent good job and career and solve all of my problems with god\’s intervene, grace and protection for me and my beloved well wishers and our things forever permanently at all times. Yours loving brother, Kiran.
Received: July 26, 2016
Pray for me as I prepare to move this week. It's been overwhelming to move from a two bedroom to a studio. I have received some help, but I suffer from anxiety so it always gets to me. On top of moving, I've had to deal with a flea infestation which I've had to treat two cats and the apartment for this. I am praying I can properly treat them so the fleas don't travel to my new place. I also struggle financially to pay for all this but God has given me an earthly father who helps pay some of the bills. Thank you for your prayers.
Received: July 25, 2016
Help me father I don't what to do anymore I have been separated from my ex for well over six years now due to his second affair since then he has come back with promises never seen he won't keep a job he is always stirring up conflict acusing me of his wrongdoings saying he won't keep promises because I won't sleep with him we have four kids together the older two don't want anything to do with him because of his behavior and when he has the younger two it's always a battle to get them back I pray and I pray but I am tired I work two jobs and have no funds to fight him for full custody I told him in an arguement the other day that he was just evil and maybe I was wrong and shouldn't have said that but what will it take to either wake him up or get him to stop tormenting us ..... Help
Received: July 25, 2016
Please pray for me and my future husband. Pray that God will bring us together soon in His perfect timing. I am 26 and never been in a relationship before, I never had my first kiss or been on a date.The desires of my heart right now are to be a wife and a mom. Pray for patience in my life and my future husband's life as we wait on the Lord to bring us together. Pray that He is preparing me to be an excellent wife and the right woman for this man and that He is preparing my future husband to be an excellent husband and the right man for me. Pray for our special day in front of all of our friends and family, our wedding day on the beach that God will bless it and that God will bless us with many years together as husband and wife. I can't wait for my step dad to walk me down the aisle and have my father daughter dance. Pray for our wedding night when we finally get to have sex for the first time. I pray that my future husband is also a virgin and keeping himself pure for me. Sex is a gift from God and God created it something beautiful for a husband and a wife. I can't wait to be able to experience and enjoy sex with my future husband. Pray for the special day when God finally brings us together at the right time and right place. Pray for the day that my future husband proposes to me and I become engaged. I love the Bible verse that says He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord. I can't wait for this man that God has for me to find me and I get to become his wife someday. Pray that this man will love me and won't care that I am a vegetarian. Pray that God is writing a beautiful love story for us. Thanks.
Received: July 24, 2016
Please pray for my return to The LORD. My life, body, soul, mind, and spirit are ruined. Please pray for The LORD to fix me and to heal my backsliding and restore me unto Himself. Please pray for my deliverance from the devil and for my repentance toward God and faith toward The Lord Jesus Christ.
Received: July 23, 2016
Heavenly father no more strength to fight with the devil. Have mercy on me. Forgive our sins. Save my family from hell. Protect me & my daughter from all evil, infection, illness. Protect my job, provide me finance.YOUR will be done. IJN Amen
Received: July 22, 2016
I'm asking for prayers for my son and his family. I'm starting to realize that he and his wife are becoming addicts andbI don't m kW how to help and believe my grandchildren are starting to be neglected and don't know what to do ! I need some devine intervention they are ages 6,&and 4 they are pretty much raising themselves and are becoming very wild ! My son is on parole and I believe he needs Help Not jail as he has been to jail and that hasn't helped him . He got no help there ( yes he was clean but his mental issues were still there ) he is depressed and feels as though he he has no purpose in life in thenladtb6 months hes has 4 really good jobs and list them all because he is always late or doesn't show and has alone excuses why he missed ! They finally got their own place it's the first time ever on their own and it's been 2 months and are already late and the only reason they haven't been evicted yet is because it's people we know and he agreed to wait two extra weeks so who's to say by then if they will pay . The job he has now he is on the verge of losing and the only reason he hasn't is because his dad is his boss 🙁 I am so stressed over the whole thing that it's making me sick ! I worry about the grandbabies so much that I cry all the time I teust inbthenLors and have seen his works as we almost lost out house recently ( from taking care if them when they were living here we were supplying EVERYTHING for everyone) God provided and we saved our house so I know God is good but I need extra prayers for them ,us and the rest of my kids and grandchildren ( I have 3 children ,2 daughters in law and 5 grandchildren my husband and I in all) please send those prayers God Bless You all