RESET | Jan 27

In Paul, Reset by Josh

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11 (NIV)

When we were moving into our new place, I was convinced the hard part was over. My brother had already helped us with the heavy furniture, and all that was left were the boxes in the U-Haul. My wife was at work, but I figured, “No big deal. I can handle this.” Spoiler alert: I could not.

Hours later, I was still surrounded by a mountain of boxes, drenched in sweat and nowhere near finished. Each box seemed small on its own, but when you’ve got a million little things to carry, it adds up fast. By the time my wife got off work and jumped in to help, I was already running on fumes. Even with her there, the task felt endless.

Finally, my brother-in-law came over to help with one last piece of furniture. Seeing my zombie-like state, he immediately called in reinforcements. Soon, more family arrived, and the impossible suddenly felt manageable. We finished the job, but there’s no way we could’ve done it without them.

That day reminds me of an important truth: Sometimes we think we can handle life’s challenges on our own, but we weren’t made to carry everything alone. 1 Chronicles 16:11 says, “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” God never intended for us to muscle through life by ourselves. His strength is there for us, and He’s ready to help the moment we call on Him.

The hard part is admitting we need Him, isn’t it? We’re so quick to say, “I’ve got this,” and so slow to admit when we’re overwhelmed. But when we look to God for strength, it’s like calling in reinforcements for our soul. He gives us the energy to keep going, the courage to face our challenges, and the peace to trust Him with the outcome.

So, what’s weighing you down today? Whatever it is, you don’t have to carry it alone. God’s strength is infinite, His presence is constant, and He’s ready to step in and lighten your load—you just have to let Him.
— Paul, LifeSongs

Reflective Question:

What’s one burden you’re trying to carry on your own right now? How can you look to God for strength and call on Him for help?

Share your prayer needs HERE.