Welcome! We’re glad you’re here. LifeSongs is a community-supported radio ministry with a global outreach. We’re committed to sharing God’s love with all who listen. Our headquarters are in the …
Christians Bail | Josh
When the going gets tough, do you cut and run? My wife (Elena) and I joke about how if we won a billion dollars, we could just disappear. I think …
Warm | Josh
I don’t want to be warm, I want to be on fire. Let me explain… Does your office or home get stupid cold in the Winter? I swear it feels …
What’s better than hanging out with your LifeSongs family on the radio every day? Hanging with them whenever YOU want! The LifeSongs Podcasts. Hear from your LifeSongs fam as they …
Helpers & Heroes
Arlyne is the epitome of “bloom where you are planted.” That’s why she is a Helper & Hero! She tirelessly served her community throughout the pandemic and has blessed her …
Pray Today
Thank you so much for being part of the LifeSongs family. We may not be able to gather together right now, but we can still unite in prayer. Let’s focus …
Still Celebrate | JoJo
Easter has come and gone. The stone has been rolled away. You may even feel like you need to be rolled away like Violet did on Willy Wonka! That’s because …
What’s New | Apr 20
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be discouraged or dismayed. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 Even without the coronavirus pandemic, at any …
Quarantine Chronicles | Libby
It’s spring in New Orleans! I wish this was “Smell-O-Vision.” The jasmine in front of my house is in bloom right now and it smells amazing! I wish I could …
Conversations have been dominated by the coronavirus. This non-stop coverage makes it easy to feel overwhelmed, weary and out of control. COVID19 has caused the cancellation or postponement of many …