Do you find it hard to “let go?” So many of us struggle with worry and anxiety. We micromanage every aspect of our lives and try SO hard. It’s hard …
What’s New | Jun 17
Do you remember the video game Punch-Out? Nintendo released it in the 80’s, and one of the reasons it got so popular was because of the kooky characters you’d box …
Strike Out Hunger | Thank you!
Thank you for your overwhelming generosity at the 13th annual LifeSongs Strike Out Hunger event! And thanks to our hosts, Rock N Bowl, for being a part of the success! Because of your …
What’s New | Jun 10
Sometimes life can have us feeling like the Israelites wandering through the desert. But, just like in Exodus, there’s a promised land on the other side of whatever bleak spot …
What’s New | Jun 3
We all share a common desire and need to be loved. And when we have no idea how to make it through the storms of life, it’s such a comfort …
What’s New | May 13
When faced with hard times, do you ever wonder “When is God gonna show up?” So does Chad Mattson, lead singer of Unspoken. He says, “But the truth is, we’ve …
What’s New | April 29
Have you ever heard the saying, ‘Don’t borrow trouble’? It means that today has enough trouble of its own, so there’s not point in borrowing any from the future. Jesus …
What’s New | Apr 22
We can look around us and see that this world is broken and hurting and full of pain. However, there is a greater story. There is One who will make …
Birthday HIStory
Today (Tuesday, February 5, 2019), LifeSongs turns 40 years old. That’s quite the accomplishment for a local Christian radio station! Literally generations have heard the Gospel of Jesus – and …
What’s New | Jan 21
Have you ever found yourself in a scenario where you jump to conclusions about others? We’ve all been there. It’s easy to do when we don’t see the whole picture. …