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What’s New | Jun 24

In Blog, Libby by

Do you find it hard to “let go?” So many of us struggle with worry and anxiety. We micromanage every aspect of our lives and try SO hard. It’s hard …

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What’s New | Jun 17

In Blog, Libby by

Do you remember the video game Punch-Out? Nintendo released it in the 80’s, and one of the reasons it got so popular was because of the kooky characters you’d box …

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What’s New | Jun 10

In Blog, Libby by

Sometimes life can have us feeling like the Israelites wandering through the desert. But, just like in Exodus, there’s a promised land on the other side of whatever bleak spot …

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What’s New | Apr 8

In Blog, Libby by

It can seem like there are very few constants in this life. But there is one we can count on. No matter what season we’re in or what we are …

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What’s New | April 1

In Blog, Libby by

When someone in our family is sick, it’s tough. But when that sickness is something life-threatening? It’s devastating. Last year, two year old Jaxon, son of Bethel Music’s Joel Taylor, …

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What’s New | March 11

In Blog, Libby by

“When it rains, it pours.” Have you ever used that expression to describe a tough season in your life? The members of Big Daddy Weave can identify. They’ve been through …

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What’s New | Feb 18

In Blog, Libby by

It’s natural for us to hide our scars; whether they’re physical, emotional or spiritual. If we’re being honest, it’s probably because we’re afraid of what people would think about us …

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What’s New | Feb 11

In Blog, Libby by

Are you a member of a local church? There’s something special about a community of believers who are in each other’s lives, through good times and bad. Michael Cochran, who grew …