Jeremy Camp joined JoJo talk his new album and more! Hear from Jeremy about the inspiration for his newest album, his reaction to seeing the movie made based upon his …
What’s New | April 29
Have you ever heard the saying, ‘Don’t borrow trouble’? It means that today has enough trouble of its own, so there’s not point in borrowing any from the future. Jesus …
It’s Only The Beginning | JoJo
Yep. Another year has come and gone. It’s hard to believe that it’s the first day of 2019. As I look back on what 2018 had to offer, I’m thankful …
Weight on the Lord | JoJo
My brother is a pretty awesome guy! Let me explain why. My brother has a fascinating story. As a kid, He used to ONLY eat pizza, chicken nuggets, and hot …
Legos for Days | JoJo
It’s interesting how, as we age, our likes and dislikes change (kind of like how our style changes over the years). When I was in my early 20s, my style …
Tornado Response
GET HELP If you were directly impacted by the tornadoes, help is available. FEMA Anyone affected by the recent tornadoes may be eligible for federal assistance. Find out by registering …