The Power of Consistency | Paul

In Blog, NewPodcasts, Paul, Podcasts by Josh

School is back! With it begins the start of a new season for many families. New schools, grades, routines, friends, and experiences. It can be exciting, but it can also be nerve-wracking!

Growing up, my family had a “tradition” of being fashionably late to almost everything, including school. It was our family trademark! We were known for it far and wide. It wasn’t that we didn’t try; mornings just always seemed to get the best of us. But every new school year, we were determined to change! For the first couple of weeks, we were like clockwork—early to rise, dressed and ready, and even had time for breakfast together. There was something magical about those early days, the smell of new school supplies, the excitement of seeing friends, and the promise of a fresh start.

But soon enough, the reality of early mornings began to set in. The novelty wore off, and our perfectly timed mornings became the usual scramble—lost shoes, missing homework, and last-minute lunch-making. What was new and exciting quickly became old and mundane, and before we knew it, we were back to our familiar routine of rushing out the door.

That shift from excitement to mundane is something we all experience. It’s easy to be enthusiastic when things are fresh and new, but maintaining that energy as the days go on can be challenging. This is where the power of consistency comes into play. Consistency isn’t about maintaining the same level of excitement all the time; it’s about showing up and giving your best effort, even when the novelty has worn off. It’s in those everyday moments, those small actions, that we often find the most growth and progress.

In our spiritual lives, consistency is equally important. Just as a student benefits from a consistent study routine, we benefit from regularly spending time with God. Whether it’s through daily prayer, reading the Bible, or simply reflecting on His presence in our lives, these practices help us grow closer to Him. It’s not always about having profound spiritual experiences; sometimes, it’s about faithfully doing the small things, day in and day out.

So, as we embark on this new school year, let’s commit to the power of consistency. Whether it’s in our studies, our relationships, or our faith, let’s strive to be consistent in our efforts. It might not always be thrilling, but it will be rewarding! As Galatians 6:9 reminds us, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Let’s embrace this new season with a spirit of dedication, knowing that with God’s help, we can persevere through all the ups and downs. Our prayer is that this school year be filled with growth, learning, and the steady presence of God’s love and guidance every day.