What’s New | August 19

In Blog by Libby

Iveth’s musical journey started early in the church, where she felt called to use her talents to honor the Lord. When music and God’s word were combined, it brought healing for her through hard times, and she began writing music to share with others this message of hope and truth. She says she wroter her song “Right On Time” after getting engaged and looking back at God’s perfect timing. She shares, “it’s a testimony and a song celebrating the faithfulness of God who’s plans are far better than I could have imagined. I have often lived for the next phase of my life, but God has taught me to trust Him because He’s always right on time. This is a song to build your hope and assurance that God has your back. There is joy in the waiting.”

Now, meet Bay Turner. 4 years ago, during a routine surgery to remove a benign tumor in his chest, the doctor nicked one of Bay’s vocal chords. It was left paralyzed and Bay was told that he would never sing again. Bay spent the next three months in complete silence. He couldn’t even listen to music due to how our vocal chords involuntarily contract even when we hear a melody. In the midst of the silence and uncertainty of wether he’d ever sing again, it was in this place from which this happy, up-tempo pop song was birthed.

It was in that extended silence where Bay found out, in some ways for the first time, that his identity wasn’t in his talent, but in the very Creator who gave him that talent. He grew to know Jesus in a whole new way. At the end of his 3 months in silence, Bay experienced a miracle. The doctors said that not only was the vocal chord no longer paralyzed, but something had happened they’d never seen before. There were no visible evidence it was ever injured at all!

Bay walked out of that appointment with a brand new outlook on life. The flowers were brighter and smelled sweeter, people were nicer, and music was even more powerful and moving to him than ever before. It was all “Brand New” (which is also the title of his debut song on LifeSongs)!

Listen for “Brand New” and “Right On Time” on uplifting LifeSongs!