What’s New | August 5

In Blog by Libby

How do we keep our hearts full of gratitude? When we set our hearts on looking for the blessings, it doesn’t take long before we find an abundance of them, poured out lavishly from the hand of a kind Father who loves us. Pat Barrett’s song “Beautiful Life” reminds us of that. He shares, “Life is a beautiful gift and sometimes you got to sing that at the top of your lungs! I hope that wherever you are, whatever you’re going through, this song reminds you of what people have believed for thousands of years: He makes everything beautiful in it’s time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11).” It really is a beautiful life.

Hope. Redemption. Freedom. When we come to know Jesus, we find all of this and more. It’s what Andrew Ripp’s song “Love’s Got A Way” is all about. Andrew says “I can’t think of a more powerful thing we have in our arsenal as human beings than Love. Jesus loved everyone, even the people that put Him on the cross. And what did it do? It changed the entire world forever. We have the opportunity to embrace the love He shared with us. I really hope you can hear the freedom in this song because I certainly can feel it when I sing it. God bless you.”

Listen for “Beautiful Life” and “Love’s Got A Way” on uplifting LifeSongs!