What’s New | March 24

In Blog, Home Page by Libby

Ever feel on the verge of a breakdown? There’s good news: every single breakdown is an opportunity. That’s the message in Andrew Ripp’s song, “Breakdown.” You have an opportunity to allow God to pull you out of where you’re at, but it comes by way of surrender. Breakdowns allow us to realize our need for God, we realize our need to surrender and let go of our lives.

There is nothing God cannot do. Micah Tyler sings about it in his song, “God Did It.” He shares, “No matter what you are walking through today, we are reminded that He put the breath in our lungs, He calls us His children, He raised us from the grave, and He alone deserves all the glory, the honor, and the praise.”

Conviction vs. condemnation – this is the message of Tenth Ave. North’s song “Kind To Myself.” The voice in your head, when you fail the thousandth time…is it cruel? Or is it kind? If it’s the kindness of God that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4), then who are we to condemn ourselves over and over again? Let’s strive to be more like Jesus and be kind to ourselves.

Natalie Layne’s song “All Joy” is based on the truth of the passage in James 1, “count it all joy.” May it encourage us to shift our perspectives and open our hearts to finding and acknowledging the good things surrounding us, even in the midst of trials. It serves as a reminder that even in the darkest times, to count it all joy. Joy in the struggle is a challenge, but because of what God has done for us, it’s possible!

Listen for “Breakdown,” “God Did It,” “Kind To Myself” and “All Joy” on uplifting LifeSongs!