When’s Recess? | Libby

In Blog, Libby by Libby

It’s happening. The beach towels and sunscreen have moved to the clearance aisle, and I can smell the distinct scent of No. 2 pencils and composition books filling the endcaps.

This time of year always fills me with nostalgic memories of the start of a new school year, even though it’s been many, MANY years since I set foot in a classroom.

When I was little, we did our back-to-school shopping at K&B, which usually meant I had every supply in a very distinct shade of purple. Sure, it wasn’t the fancy Trapper Keeper I had hoped for, or the Hello Kitty erasers I wanted to show off to my classmates, but it worked. (I liked purple.)


Do you remember carefully picking out your lunchbox? Or eyeing all those sparkly Lisa Frank folders? Or decorating your pencil box with Scratch ’n Sniff stickers? I mean, who wouldn’t want their writing utensils to smell like grape jelly? (Or a chicken leg??)



Do you also remember that nervous feeling in your stomach gearing up for the school year? It can be a stressful time of transition for families, but you can help calm the nerves of some of our area students and make a difference!

The LifeSongs Back To School Project is back, and it’s your opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students and their families right here in Southeast Louisiana. We’re sharing Jesus with our community by helping meet very real needs. Just by picking up an extra glue stick or a few more packs of paper, you can have a lasting impact on someone’s life.

Click here to get all the details on how you can help – and hurry! Wednesday, August 5th is the final day to participate!

Thank you so much for making a difference! Now. When’s the Troll Book Club day? Because I just may have to visit and place my order…
